Protect Your Controlled Unclassified In...
Classified Unclassified Information (CUI) is the path of least resistance for adversaries, and loss of aggregated CUI is one of the most significant risks to national security. Protecting your CUI is the most critical data protection topics for 2021. If your agency is only using encryption of data-at-rest (db) and encryption of data-in-transit (SSL); you are significantly exposed when your data is utilized and displayed within your apps. Your...
Fortify Integrations Ecosystems
View our on-demand Micro Focus Government Solutions webinar series, Fortify! View any of the available sessions and learn from industry experts as they demo a Fortify solution and explain how your agency can benefit from these top-of-the line solutions. These Fortify solutions range from reducing manual auditing time in security testing to Fortify's intuitive integrations with Azure, automation, and more! Fortify Integrations Ecosystems Applic...
Strengthen Your Security Defenses with...
As your agency continues to grow in size and technical complexity, it's important to consider the security of your information. Hackers pose a serious threat to your data and put your agency at potential risk of exposure. This puts stress on IT teams who are figuring out the best methods to mitigate the risk of losing sensitive information from within. Micro Focus and Novacoast have partnered to bring you a cutting edge Identity Management sol...
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