ResponderCon: Investigating Ransomware
The only event focused on DFIR and Ransomware! ResponderCon: Investigating Ransomware is dedicated to helping cyber responders and DFIR examiners investigate ransomware. While other events focus on preventing the attack, this focuses on what to do after it happens. Cyber First Responders will learn about: Tools and techniques that they can use when they get called up Different behaviors of ransomware families How other responders treat these...
Why Now? 3 Reasons Why AI for Risk Redu...
Economic uncertainty has created a perfect storm for an increase in financial crimes. For organizations that are still performing AML/KYC compliance checks without assistance from articiial intelligence (AI), the time has come to rethink that unsustainable approach. Financial criminals have long been using AI to attack financial networks, and until FIs started using the same technology to fight back, they will always be playing catch up. If yo...
How Unique IDs Link Records to Keep Sch...
Maintaining complete records of school staff and students is essential for managing daily school operations, and accurate student headcounts are vital for receiving correct federal funding. One solution is to assign a unique ID for use across the school system, but students' names must be matched with their unique IDs while still maintaining their privacy. This becomes challenging when many students have the same or similar names. During this...
Best Practices for Tuning Name Search P...
Name matching can be tricky - especially if you're not familiar with its intricacies, like nicknames or transliteration errors which are common when dealing with foreign languages. For organizations and government agencies with critical name matching requirements, like screening against sanctioned party lists, errors could have serious consequences. Standard search engines fall short when it comes to detecting subtle differences between names...
14th Annual Human Language Technology C...
Human Language Technology (HLT) cannot be “future proofed” because the target is organic, ever changing, human language. Like a weather forecast, a static model is only accurate at a point in time. What we need is the NLP equivalent of a weather app pulling in streaming live weather data. Adaptation is the future of HLT: continuously learning models that are quickly spun up with an annotation effort to “crawl”; then ada...
Smart Matching for Screening
Capably matching names and other personally identifiable information (PII) is critical to any effective compliance screening system: failure puts reputation, finances, and ethics on the line. Unfortunately, globalization coupled with the economic impact of the pandemic is testing screening systems like never before. As applications pour in, these systems are being asked to process key identity data in a huge variety of languages at unprecedent...
Understanding Names with Neural Networks
Matching names across languages and writing systems is a critical issue in a variety of consumer and governmental domains. Historically, computers have attempted to solve this problem with ad-hoc methods such as edit distance, sound indexing, and Hidden Markov Models, but these have a variety of practical limitations in this problem space, which we will explore. To address these issues, we present our research and development team’s work...
How to Evaluate NLP Tools for Entity Ex...
You have some documents and you want to extract information, but which NLP tool or library to use? You have many from which to choose but how to evaluate which is best? Evaluating NLP tools is not a straightforward exercise since differences in output between tools often prevent direct comparison. NLP tools based on different underlying technologies will tag text differently, extract different sets of entities and classify those entities diffe...
Human Language Technology Conference (HLTCon)
PRACTICAL AI FOR HUMAN LANGUAGE More than ever, it is imperative that intelligence systems stay on top of the increasing load of data. AI and machine learning are the only practical solution. This year’s Human Language Technology Conference brings together experts in computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, machine learning (ML), and data science to discuss their first-hand successes and failures and share lessons learned from...
Open Source Digital Forensics Conferenc...
The 10th Annual Open Source Digital Forensics Conference (OSDFCon) will be held October 15-17, 2019 in Herndon, VA. This event allows attendees to learn about new software and meet the developers. Oct 15: Workshops: A series of 3-hour in-depth workshops (need separate ticket to attend) Oct 16: Conference: A full-day of 35-minute talks focused exclusively on open source digital forensics tools Free for government attendees through Oct. 5 Oct 17...
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