Defense Health Information Technology S...
The Defense Health Information Technology Symposium (DHITS) is an annual three-day conference, sponsored by the Defense Health Agency (DHA). Conference attendees are comprised of government, military, and industry health care IM/IT professionals. DHITS provides a collaborative environment for MHS leadership and staff, as well as our industry partners, to discuss and reinforce new approaches, innovations, and guidelines. Cutting edge advancemen...
2023 Defense Health Information Technol...
The Defense Health Information Technology Symposium is a three day annual conference, sponsored by the Defense Health Agency. DHITS attendees are government, military, and industry information technology professionals. The symposium provides a unique venue for knowledge sharing, innovative ideas, discussions of lessons learned, and the introduction of exciting new developments within the Military Health System. DHITS offers Department of Defen...
DHA Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Rev...
Application for the event is live! Please e-mail Captain Terry Houston at, and Kenneth McCright (Contracting Officer) at to apply for this event. As part of Market Research, the DHA Virtual Health Branch plans to conduct a Virtual Reverse Industry Day to research Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) commercial capabilities for potential use within the Milit...
2022 Defense Health Information Technol...
The Defense Health Information Technology Symposium is a three day annual conference, sponsored by the Defense Health Agency. DHITS attendees are government, military, and industry information technology professionals. The symposium provides a unique venue for knowledge sharing, innovative ideas, discussions of lessons learned, and the introduction of exciting new developments within the Military Health System. DHITS offers Department of Defen...
2019 Defense Health Information Technol...
Defense Health Information Technology Symposium is three day annual symposium, sponsored by the Defense Health Agency and attended by government, military and industry Information Technology professionals. It provides a unique venue for knowledge sharing, innovative ideas, discussion of lessons learned, and new developments. DHITS offers DoD Healthcare professionals a face-to-face opportunity to secure the continued success of the Military Hea...
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