Mid-Tier Advocacy's Annual Fall Stakeho...
Join Mid-Tier Advocacy at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill for its first Annual Fall Stakeholder's Summit on November 18, 2014! We will have a Breakfast session to examine the lessons learned by the authors of the study on mid-tier business, Keynote Luncheon Speaker, and Afternoon Sessions on policy and other topics, including growing your business, winning contracts, mitigating risks, accessing capital, or planning an exit strategy. We will...
Radio One Diversity Career Fair
Radio One will host the Diversity Career Fair on Tuesday September 30 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the DC Armory. The goal of the fair is to connect qualified candidates in search of career opportunities with qualified employers looking to grow their workforce. The Air Force, Army, Clark Construction, as well as partners in education and other industries will be exhibiting during the fair. Federal employees and contractors are invited to attend. T...
September 30, 2014
Radio One Location:
Washington, DC, DC
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