Incumbent vs. Challenger: Who Has the Edge?
Move beyond the basics in this training where you will find out why incumbency is a double-edged sword, and what you must do to ensure a win. Using a case study approach, you’ll develop specific strategies to mitigate each of the top seven reasons why incumbents lose. For example, how can you use your information advantage to put the focus on best value and not lowest price? Or try on a challenger hat. Learn how the advantage has shifted...
Persuasive Proposal Writing: A Proven A...
Do you find your proposals often: - Provide just the facts of your solution? - Leave out proof to substantiate your claims? - Rely on wordy text, filled with jargon and acronyms? Join this hands-on workshop to learn how we substantially raised the technical score on a bid simply by changing how we presented our solution. We researched how reviewers really evaluate proposals, then aligned our writing process accordingly. Persuasive Writing prov...
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