Crafting a Grand Bargain Out of Title I...
Amid all the progress since the commercialization of the Internet, one broadband policy issue stands out as perhaps the most challenging to resolve: digital literacy and broadband adoption. Early gains in broadband adoption have tapered off, and a quarter of American adults still choose to not subscribe. But despite the real, persistent problem of the digital divide, the tech policy world remains transfixed by the entirely different issue of n...
One Hand Tied Behind Our Backs: Why Ame...
Ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States later this month, please join ITIF on September 17 for an expert panel discussion exploring the ramifications of China’s economic and trade strategies and delving into potential remedies and responses. Despite commitments China made when it joined the World Trade Organization in 2001 to embrace key tenets of rules-governed, market-based trade, it remains wedded to...
The Sky is Not Falling: Understanding t...
While most people are conditioned to see through the marketing hype surrounding “revolutionary!” and “game-changing!” new technologies, few have the same healthy skepticism when it comes to outsized claims about allegedly dire privacy risks that now routinely accompany many of the very same innovations. Taken at face value, these supposed privacy risks suggest that government should intervene to protect society. A close...
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