4 past events found
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36th International Conference on Solid...
An annual conference where researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, managers, community leaders and others from 40 countries meet to present and discuss topics related to all aspects of solid waste technology and management. After much consideration of the practicality and safety of international travel at the time of the conference, we have decided that ICSW 2021 will be entirely virtual. We have built a virtual platform so...
March 14-16, 2021
Organizer: Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
Location: Virtual
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35th International Conference on Solid...


To protect the health and safety of attendees, this event has been canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. We have been watching the situation regarding the COVID -19 virus and travel concerns. After much deliberation, we have decided that the appropriate course of action is to cancel the conference this year. While much is unknown, our opinion is that it is best not to bring together people from many different places at this time. This was a diffi...
March 22-25, 2020
Organizer: Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
Location: Annapolis, MD
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34th International Conference on Solid...
The 34th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management will be held in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. on March 31-April 3, 2019. Participants are expected from over 40 countries. Researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, managers, community leaders and others with expertise in solid waste are invited to submit papers for oral presentation or poster session at the Conference.
March 31 - April 3, 2019
Organizer: Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
Location: Annapolis, MD
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33rd International Conference on Solid...
ICSW 2018 features presentations on all areas of solid waste technology and management by speakers from 35 countries. Topics include landfill, recycling, energy recovery, economics, policy, public involvement, specialized wastes and more. Professional Development Hours are available. Technical field trips will visit a variety of solid waste facilities. It is a unique opportunity to learn from solid waste experts around the world.
March 11-14, 2018
Organizer: Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
Location: Annapolis, MD
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