Business Focused Breakfast featuring De...
Join us as we continue to discuss procurement opportunities for Advanced Small and Mid-Tier businesses in this challenging federal market! This article, written by Michael P. Fischetti of National Contract Management Association for the Federal Times, discusses the challenges many firms face in the procurement market, especially for mid-sized and advanced small business. Also, check out our recent blog at Bloomberg, the "Mid-Tier Paradox: Too...
Mid-Tier Advocacy's Annual Fall Stakeho...
Join Mid-Tier Advocacy at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill for its first Annual Fall Stakeholder's Summit on November 18, 2014! We will have a Breakfast session to examine the lessons learned by the authors of the study on mid-tier business, Keynote Luncheon Speaker, and Afternoon Sessions on policy and other topics, including growing your business, winning contracts, mitigating risks, accessing capital, or planning an exit strategy. We will...
Mid-Tier Advocacy Panel at the CBC Foun...
REGISTER NOW! Join Mid-Tier Advocacy at The CBCF ALC '14! In Room 146-A at The Washington Convention Center This is a FREE event! "How to Grow Your Business in the Federal Marketplace" Mid-Tier Advocacy is dedicated to helping small emerging and mid-sized businesses find and capitalize on business opportunities. We are pleased to present a session on "How to Grow Your Business in the Federal Marketplace." During this session we will explore ho...
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