Measuring ROI: Strategies for Governmen...
Tips for Advocating and Optimizing Mission IT Assets Every agency expects a return on their investment in federal IT – especially finance managers and program executives who must make choices between spending on IT versus other program priorities. But few agencies know how to measure ROI. At this event, IT acquisition and management experts will discuss how to measure ROI, how to estimate future ROI, and when/where ROI is important to fe...
April 24, 2024
REI Systems Location:
Navigating the Nexus: The Results of th...
We are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive webinar where we will unveil the findings from our Annual Grants Management Survey. This webinar promises to be an engaging session where we will delve into the latest trends, challenges, and best practices in grants management, as revealed by our survey. By participating, you will gain invaluable insights that can inform your organization's strategies and approaches in managing grants effectively....
The Results of the 2023 Grants Manageme...
New Surge of Funding Strains Grant-Making Organizations: How to Combat the Challenge. The results of the 2023 Grants Management survey are here! The overwhelming data coming in from the 15,000+ grant professionals invited to our survey revealed that grant performance is back on the rise for Federal Grants after drops due to the pandemic, but a surge in funding has introduced challenges to already strained grant-making organizations. Join our d...
Learn How HRSA Dispersed Millions of Gr...
In the wake of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was implemented to address issues related to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CARES Act was passed by Congress on March 25, 2020 and signed into law on March 27, 2020. Hear from HRSA’s executives describe how HRSA was able to be fast and agile in implementing the CARES Act just 12 days after it was signed into law. Participants...
February 7, 2023
REI Systems Location:
COVID-19 Has Permanently Changed Grant...
The results of the 2022 survey are here! The overwhelming data coming in from the 5,000 grant professionals invited to our survey revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has permanently impacted grant operations, which affect thousands of grantors, tens of thousands of grantees, and millions of people being helped by those funds. Join us and our distinguished panel to discuss the results of the survey, the evolving landscape of grants, and how you...
March 10, 2022
REI Systems Location:
Career Paths and Skills Needed for the...
Federal government jobs can provide a sense of financial and job security as well as honor in serving the public. During this Government Technology Breakfast Forum webinar, we'll discuss the benefits of working in federal IT and the different types of career paths offered. Chief Information Officers from the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of State will share their experience working in federal IT and offer insight around th...
February 22, 2022
REI Systems Location:
Grants Management Breakfast: The Infras...
The new infrastructure plan will put more than $1 Trillion in new money into transportation, broadband, and utilities. Transportation is a key area that will receive an infusion of dollars to repair, update, and build new infrastructure throughout the country. America will begin a building spree larger than what happened during the New Deal. The Department of Transportation (DOT) will be directing a large portion of those dollars through grant...
January 18, 2022
REI Systems Location:
The Results of the Government Analytics...
Join REI Systems and decision-makers from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC), and John Hopkins University as we discuss the results of the 2021 Government Analytics Survey. REI Systems and ACT-IAC surveyed the government analytics community with the goal of providing a better picture to help understand how gove...
October 12, 2021
REI Systems Location:
Grants Management Breakfast: Deliver Re...
HHS designated the agency for the Grants Quality Service Management Office (QSMO) to transform government-wide grants management end-to-end. Created by the Office of Management and Budget, QSMOs are tasked with offering and managing a marketplace of systems and service solutions to improve customer satisfaction, automate processes, modernize technology, standardize data and related processes, and achieve efficiencies in time and money related...
October 6, 2021
REI Systems Location:
Federal Grants Management: Improving Ou...
How you communicate about and manage your grants significantly affects what grant programs accomplish. It also affects public awareness and understanding of the beneficial impacts of grant-funded actions, as well as the ease of grant implementation. Dr. Shelley H. Metzenbaum will join us to talk about her recently released report on managing federal grants to improve outcomes and grant operational quality and transparency. Attendees will walk...
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