AeroDef Manufacturing with Composites M...
The leading event devoted to aerospace and defense manufacturing, AeroDef Manufacturing, with Composites Manufacturing, will be held April 20-23 at the Hilton Anatole, Dallas, Tex., with exhibits open April 21-22. The exhibition and conference, previously held in California, moves to Texas for the first time in 2015. The leading aerospace OEMs have supported AeroDef Manufacturing since 2010 as a way to collaborate with suppliers across the ex...
AeroDef Manufacturing
Produced by SME in partnership with industry OEMs, AeroDef fosters innovation across the extended enterprise to reduce costs, expedite production times and maintain U.S. competitiveness in the global economy. AeroDef showcases the industry’s most advanced technologies across an innovative floor plan designed to facilitate interaction and business relationships between exhibitors and buyers looking for integrated solutions. Keynote speake...
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