Texas Cyber Summit
A Fusion: of Cybersecurity Novice, Intermediate, Professionals and World Renown Hackers. This year's event is a multi-day, multi-track, multi-platform, a diverse and inclusive conference for every level of knowledge. Three Days of Amazing hands-on Workshops, Briefings, Labs, and more. Just about every company needs to provide Cybersecurity awareness to their employees – What better way than to spend your training time, then with friends,...
Texas Cyber Summit
Mission: To Serve Underserved and Women Communities in Cybersecurity. We do this through mentors, scholarships, training, conference access, exam and training vouchers, workshops and more. We want attendees to walk away with an expanded knowledge & capabilities to make them more valuable to themselves and their employers. Vision: Our Vision is to increase the number of persons of all demographics entering the cybersecurity field, particul...
Texas Cyber Summit
The Texas Cyber Summit is a IRS-501(c)3 Non-Profit Fusion: A fusion of Cybersecurity Professionals and World Renown Hackers This year's event is a multi-day, multi-track, multi-platform diverse and inclusive conference for every level of knowledge. Just about every company provides cybersecurity awareness to their employees – what better way to spend your training time, then with friends, colleagues, and acquaintances: learning from expe...
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