Gain A Competitive Edge In Government C...
The report is out, $120 Billion was awarded to small businesses in Government Contracting in 2018! Learn the tips and techniques you need to succeed in government contracting from a successful government contractor. Register today for this "Lunch and Learn" workshop hosted by The LEAD Program in partnership with the Miami Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA). This workshop will provide: Learn what agencies are buying your products and s...
GovLEADer Series DC-Small Business Summit
Ready to grow as a government contractor and global business? Join The LEAD Program and our partners on March 21st, 2019 at the GovLEADer Series DC Small Business Summit in Silver Spring, MD. Learn the do’s and don’ts to help you succeed in government contracting through interactive workshops, LEAD Connections Matchmaking, and an EXPO made up of industry professionals, local resource partners, and state/local/federal government off...
GovLEADer Series: Miami
Ready to become a successful government contractor and global business? Learn from industry professionals, local resource partners, and state/local/federal government officials. The GovLEADer Series: Miami is a full day event of insightful learning, matchmaking, and mentoring. Interact with the decision makers at our LEAD Connections Matchmaking, receive the advice on next steps during our LEAD Mentoring Round Tables, or sit in one of our Plen...
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