Critical Convergence 2022: Digital and...
A successful Augmented Intelligence strategy involves the use of multiple tools and capabilities, bringing technology and experts together, to effectively prioritize the most critical threats. Many military agencies and their partners lack the personnel to chase down every indicator of a threat given the massive datasets resulting from the collection process. Augmented human intelligence with technology is becoming the next best weapon in com...
January 13, 2022
ZeroFox Location:
Measuring the ROI of Digital Security a...
A recent Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study conducted by Forrester Consulting has concluded that ZeroFOX customers using our Digital Risk Protection (DRP) solution project a 267% return on investment (ROI). The large global financial services customer profiled in this report is experiencing significant value and expects a $3.31M three-year savings, with less than a 3 month payback period, all while providing a significant and measurable...
November 17, 2020
ZeroFOX Location:
The New Rules of Engagement: 4 Strategi...
Today’s new reality and remote business environment has rapidly expanded the publicly accessible attack surface of every organization. Adapting business during these unprecedented times requires adopting new platforms and processes, many of which lack security and compliance guardrails and are changing the way we think about risk. Safeguarding private information and users, both internal and external, that engage on these collaboration p...
April 29, 2020
ZeroFOX Location:
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