Hashtag Scrabble Winner Announced!

Throughout the month of February, GovEvents teamed up with 1105 Media Group on #Hashtagscrabble; a Twitter-based game developed to create a hashtag for FOSE and GovSec 2012, which will be co-located at the Washington Convention Center on April 2-5, 2012.

All entries submitted were eligible to win a complimentary full-conference pass to either FOSE or GovSec, plus the winning hashtag will be used in official tweets for FOSE & GovSec 2012. In addition, all entries and re-tweets helped to support the Capital Area Food Bank.

Chosen by 1105 Media Group, the winning #Hashtagscrabble entry is (drum roll please!): #FO_SEC2012, submitted by Erik Johnson, AKA @EMTPEJ. He chose the complimentary full-conference pass to GovSec 2012. Congratulations, Erik!

Thanks to everyone who entered and re-tweeted!

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