The Big Data World Comes to DC 7 May 2013: Reduce risk in your Big Data deployments with the Cloudera Sessions

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By very popular demand, the Big Data briefing team that packs events coast to coast is returning to DC for a day of sessions that will provide lessons learned from real-world deployments of Big Data solutions. Come hear from engineers who contribute code to  the open source projects around Hadoop, the technologists who deliver real solutions into the hands of end users, and Hadoop users who plan and manage large scale "Big" data solutions (like Oliver Guinan from Skybox imaging).

If you have data, of any size big or small, and if you use computers to do analysis, on just about any challenge, you will benefit from this incredible session.

One of the people speaking is Mike Olson, the mission-focused/community-oriented CEO of Cloudera who is one of the best communicators in all of Silicon Valley.  Another favorite is Josh Wills, the ultimate Data Scientist. In fact, I like his definition of Data Scientist better than any I have ever seen.  He describes the term this way:

"Data Scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician."
Data Scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician.

-- Josh Wills (@josh_wills) May 3, 2012

This is also a chance to meet a DC-based hero of Big Data, Joey Echeverria. I imagine other DC friends like Erin Hawley and Chuck Tailor will also be here. This will be a great event.

See more of their announcement on FedCyber >>

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