When “Liking” Isn’t Enough

In this age of and focus on social media it may seem counterintuitive to say "you need to turn likes into email." But that was precisely the message during a panel at Potomac Tech Wire's Social Media Outlook.  When you stop and think about it, it actually makes a lot of sense.

Facebook is a great medium for distributing information and connecting with your customers and community. But, Facebook is a third party app. They control the data as it relates to your "friends." They are the owners of the demographics and details on your Facebook community. You can of course get this intelligence, for a fee. With all of your careful curation of news and interactions, shouldn't you own some of the data about your audience? Of course you should.

For event organizers this is actually a bit easier than for product companies. Many of your Facebook followers will already be in your database as many will be registered attendees. But, there is a likely a good percentage of followers that were not able to attend the show, and are following you for information. So, how do you get these folks off Facebook and into your sales and marketing database?

Ideally, you have created an active environment on Facebook by sharing information people want to read and share. Make sure you are sharing links to your site where they have to enter some level of contact info to download information. For event organizers this can be speaker presentations/e-books/whitepapers, special event video footage, etc...It may take multiple offers of this content to get people to act, so keep posting at reasonable intervals. From there you can track their interests and downloads and better incorporate them into a targeted email campaign.

What techniques have you used to move Facebook likes into your marketing and sales funnel?

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