DoD, The U.S. Army and the Association of the U.S. Army are invested in the Asia Pacific Region–Are You?

Despite U.S. spending cuts and ongoing budget debates in Congress, the Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter recently said DoD is using whatever flexibility it has in managing its budget to favor and protect the rebalance of forces in the Asia- Pacific region. "The rebalance will continue and in fact gain momentum for two reasons. First, U.S. interests here are enduring and so also will be its political and economic presence," Carter told an audience of nearly 1,500 defense, government and security officials from around the world.

"We will be able to leverage more capacity from our ground forces, including the Army, Marines and special operations forces, now that they are coming home to the Pacific from Iraq and Afghanistan," Carter said, adding, "Also we are modernizing and enhancing our forward presence across the region in cooperation with our allies and partners." Beginning with Northeast Asia, Carter said DoD is modernizing and updating alliances with Japan and South Korea.

The AUSA LANPAC Symposium and Exposition will tie together the issues facing this region through the year 2020. The agenda for this symposium is robust and features key leaders from USARPAC, PACOM, MARFORPAC, SOCPAC, Asia Pacific C-IED Fusion Center, United States Institute of Peace and international representatives.  To see the latest agenda:

The list of exhibitors for this inaugural event is impressive:

  • ADS
  • Alaska Structures
  • Asia Pacific C-IED Fusion Center
  • AUSA
  • BAE Systems
  • Boeing
  • Boh FPU
  • CERA Products, Inc.
  • Hawaii Technology Development Venture
  • HBC Management
  • HP
  • L-3 Warrior Systems
  • Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control
  • Michelin North America
  • Losberger U.S. RDS
  • Pelatron
  • Perkins Technical Services, Inc.
  • PortaFloor Max
  • Sierra Nevada Corp.
  • Stanley Black & Decker
  • Total Network Solutions
  • University of Hawaii
  • U.S. Army Pacific Command


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