DON IT Conference Sessions Being Offered Via DCO

Originally posted by DON CIO

The DON IT Conference, East Coast 2013 will not be held in Virginia Beach this year due to budget and travel restrictions. As a result, several sessions will be held virtually via Defense Connect Online (DCO). The AFCEA/USNI Joint Warfighting Conference scheduled for May 14-16, 2013, at the Virginia Beach Convention Center will still take place. Several senior DON and DoD leaders are scheduled to appear as speakers and panel participants. Local commands are encouraged to attend, with appropriate command approval, when no travel costs will be incurred.

The DON CIO will offer several conference sessions through DCO. DCO is the designated enterprise tool provided to all DoD partners, allowing users to communicate and share information in a secure forum. To create a DCO account you must have a Common Access Card (CAC). Users without an account can access the available DCO sessions by logging in as a "Guest." CAC holders can visit Defense Connect Online to create an account, and for additional information including documentation, FAQs and tutorials.

The following sessions will be offered via DCO:

Software Licensing Training: End User Licensing Agreements

  • Date: Monday, May 13, 1:00 - 2:00 PM
  • Session URL:
  • Teleconference #: 1-866-783-7350, passcode: 6928918#
  • Description: This session will provide information on how to identify and define your software licensing rights, how to negotiate the proper software license terms and conditions, staying on top of current trends and best practices for software licensing, ensuring consistency in licensing approaches, and the DoD's efforts to function as an enterprise as it tries to operate within the same commercial licensing strategies and contractual frameworks. This session will specifically discuss: the foundational knowledge of end user licensing agreements, the procedural aspects of software licensing, the structural framework of a software license agreement, and the key terms and conditions of your software licensing efforts.
  • Speakers: Floyd Groce (DON CIO), Suzi Ellison (SPAWAR SSC Pacific), Linda Greenwade (DON CIO Support)

DON Information Collection Management - A Force Strength Multiplier

  • Date: Tuesday, May 14, 1:00 - 2:00 PM
  • Session URL: (Note: Audio for this session will be broadcast via DCO capabilities.)
  • Description: This session will discuss DON requirements imposed by the Paperwork Reduction & Eliminations Acts as well as the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, DoDI 8910.1 and SECNAV M-5214.1. Starting in 1980, the heads of federal agencies were required to reduce collections from the public and contribute to OMB's Information Collection Budget (ICB) as well as gain efficiencies in internal collections. The ICB treats all reporting and recordkeeping requirements imposed by federal agencies/departments as if they cause an expenditure of funds. DoD 8910.1 requires the heads of DoD Components to justify all new information collections to ensure non-duplication and verify costliness.
  • Speaker: Barbara Figueroa (DNS-15)

Audit Readiness

  • Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2:30 - 4:00 PM
  • Session URL:
  • Teleconference #: 1-877-885-1087, passcode: 7835941152#
  • Description: A panel of information systems audit professionals will discuss key topics for readiness and preparation: what you should expect from an audit, what are common lessons learned, and what are common deficiencies found.
  • Speakers: Anna Tarrant (DON CIO), (John) William Jenkins (Navy ERP PMO), Patricia Dickerson (Navy FMO), and Phil Moore (DON CIO Support)

Cloud Computing and Its Impact on Software Licensing

  • Date: Wednesday, May 15, 1:00 - 2:00 PM
  • Session URL:
  • Teleconference #: 1-866-783-7350, passcode: 6928918#
  • Description: This session will provide information about Cloud Computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) Licenses. The presentation will include a brief history and evolution of cloud and SaaS, the components usually involved in the offering, and the types of cloud services generally available. The discussion will focus on the most popular reasons cited for selecting cloud and SaaS offerings with suggested questions to ask when evaluating the rationale.
  • Speakers: Floyd Groce (DON CIO), Tom Crawford (DON CIO Support), John Zettler (DON CIO Support)

IT Pricing Best Practices

  • Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2:30 - 3:30 PM
  • Session URL:
  • Teleconference #: 1-866-783-7350, passcode: 6928918#
  • Description: This session will cover approaches to secure best prices during acquisition of commercial IT hardware, software, and services, ensuring that best prices are obtained and reflect best value for the life cycle of the items procured. The discussion will include pricing, terms and conditions, and life cycle cost (LCC) and the commercial counterpart to LCC, total cost of ownership (TCO). The session will include guidance to build an Excel based financial model that provides LCC/TCO analysis.
  • Speakers: Floyd Groce (DON CIO), Tom Crawford (DON CIO Support), John Zettler (DON CIO Support)

"...But This Isn't a Weapons System!" How to Convince a Marine to Practice Proper Records Management (and Other Miracles)

  • Date: Wednesday, May 15, 3:30 - 4:15 PM
  • Session URL:
  • Teleconference #: TBD
  • Description: Headquarters Marine Corps Records Management (HQMC ARDB) has deployed and has begun collecting metrics on a process to tag, identify, categorize, and capture war records from theater (near real time), using existing resources and a standardized process. By engaging and convincing Marine Corps leadership and other key individuals, and developing tools, training programs and policies that are digestible for a skeptical audience, HQMC ARDB is leading the way in executing organized, standardized, near real-time lifecycle management of war records.
  • Speaker: Kim R. Enright-Lamere (USMC)

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