Federal Government Shutdown: Another Blow to Government Events?

With over 250 government events scheduled for October, the trickle-down effect of the government shutdown could have a quite an impact.

However, 57 hours in--the vibe is pretty optimistic, and many organizers are pushing forward as scheduled.

In fact, there's only a short list of events that have been cancelled or postponed this week:

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FOSE 2013–Experience Technology: See it. Hear it. Try it. Know it.

The second day at FOSE, held in Washington, D.C., highlighted new technologies and solution-based strategies organizations are using to provide more efficient and less costly ways of doing business.

The morning opened with a keynote address by former Washington Redskins Quarterback, Joe Theismann, who in his charismatic and entertaining style, drew parallels between his career as an NFL quarterback, and the necessity for good management and effective leadership for organizations to be successful.  Theismann noted that effective leadership is all about 'people'. Whether it's an employee or a teammate, listening, trusting, and empowering your team to be responsible for company goals is key for outstanding performance.

Steven VanRoekel, second Chief Information Officer of the United States, drew a large crowd at the afternoon keynote session. His prior positions included Executive Director of Citizen and Organizational Engagement at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Managing Director of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Speech and Strategy Assistant to Bill Gates at Microsoft, and Senior Director of the Windows Server division. VanRoekel touched on operational, technical, financial, and human resource aspects, as well as introducing and using new technologies and social media to pioneer new solutions needed in agencies and organizations today.

Beyond the keynote speakers and educational sessions was the exhibit floor, where attendees could interact and discuss products, services and ideas with organizations offering solutions. Many attendees participated in a Passport Giveaway, which required them to receive stamps from select exhibitors, and upon completion they were placed in a drawing for an iPad. As evidenced at the GovEvents booth, the Passport Giveaway's popularity increased on day two, especially for those who had not won a prize the first day.

To access the full program agenda and find out about FOSE 2014, visit www.fose.com.

1105 Meet-Up: Sequestration & Government Events, Mobile & Government Workforce

Vienna, VA--1105 Media Group, organizers of the FOSE and GovSec Conferences & Expos, hosted a FOSE 2013 Blogger & Speaker Meet-up Thursday, March 21 at 1105 Media Group offices in Vienna, VA. Invitation-only and held specifically for government technology influencers, the FOSE 2013 Blogger & Speaker Meet-up is the fifth in an ongoing series of high-level meetings, where FOSE speakers and bloggers are given an opportunity to discuss significant topics including sequestration and government events, mobile and the government workforce, cybersecurity and more.

This meet-up included influencers Brand Niemann, Ph.D., Director and Senior Enterprise Architect - Data Scientist at Semantic Community, Ghadi Ben-Yehuda,  Director of Innovation and Social Media for IBM Center for The Business of Government., Brad Barker, Director of Professional Services at Master Key Consulting and Young AFCEANs  National Capitol Region President , Ajay Budhraja, Chief Technology Officer, EOIR at the United States Department of Justice, and Nick Wakeman, Editor-in-Chief at Washington Technology. The meet-up was also attended by representatives from the Capital Area Food Bank and GovEvents.

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1,090 New Conferences, Training Events, & Webcasts Posted on GovEvents So Far This Year

Although conference cancellations continue to trickle in, don't get discouraged. For every one cancellation, there are hundreds of new event opportunities that can provide the valuable training and education often garnered at these large conferences.  In fact, as of today (March 14, 2013), 1,090 new conferences, training events, and webcasts have been posted to GovEvents since the start of 2013, and thousands more will be added throughout the year.

A frequent request from our members is an updated list of event cancellations and postponements, so here is the latest list we have.  If you know of any others, please shoot us an email: info@govevents.com



Cancelled Events Earlier this Year:

Taking the Good with the Bad

Posted by Kerry Rea

Allan Rubin recently authored a blog post about the state of the events industry. After a glowing recommendation of GovEvents (thank you, we're blushing!), he did raise an issue with one of our recent email campaigns that led with the subject line, "Latest Conference Cancellations & Postponements on GovEvents." From his post:

"It just struck me as significant that a company which promotes government events led its outreach effort with a message about...the cancellation of government events!"

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