Hacking the Hackers

While we did not include cybersecurity in our list of key trends for 2017, it is a topic that we know will remain front and center in the government market. 2015 was a year that brought data breaches into the mainstream and the trend continued to escalate in 2016 with Government Technology declaring 2016 the Year of the Hack.

The security issues of the past year were more than just data breaches. The attacks were motivated far beyond black market payments for personal data. They were aimed at disrupting business and government alike--some were even declared acts of terrorism. What makes this even more challenging, is anyone with a mobile device and a bit of know-how can hack just about anything.[Tweet "Anyone with a mobile device and a bit of know-how can hack just about anything. #GovEventsBlog"] Continue reading

Looking Back at the 2016 Federal Events Market

It's the time of year when everyone finds themselves wondering how time went by so fast and what the new year will bring. We thought we'd jump on the bandwagon of reflection with a look back at the federal event market predictions we made at the beginning of 2016.

Here's a re-cap of the predictions and what really happened in the past 12 months:

Prediction 1: More creativity in events - We did see many events shaking up their normal routines and adding more interactive sessions and more social media to shows. Amazon Web Services used a social media center to share conference information and activity as it was happening at their annual public sector event. We're looking forward to seeing the reaction to ASAE's unconference format that will be introduced this May in Washington, DC.[Tweet "What the new year will bring for #Federal events. #GovEventsBlog"] Continue reading

The Treats of Cybersecurity Month

The scariest thing in the month of October used to be Halloween. Since first being recognized as cybersecurity awareness month in 2004, October has served to educate the public about the very real threats in cyberspace.[Tweet "The Treats of Cybersecurity Month - Protect yourself from the threats in cyberspace #GovEventsBlog"]

Spearheaded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the cyber events held nationwide throughout October serve to engage and educate public and private sector partners and raise awareness about cybersecurity. These events aim to provide tools and resources needed to stay safe online, increasing the resiliency of the Nation in the event of a cyber incident. DHS has organized the weeks of the month around themes to help direct this education. This year's themes are:

  • Week 1: October 3-7, 2016 - Every Day Steps Towards Online Safety with Stop.Think.Connect.™
  • Week 2: October 10-14, 2016 - Cyber from the Break Room to the Board Room
  • Week 3: October 17-21, 2016 - Recognizing and Combating Cybercrime
  • Week 4: October 24-28, 2016 - Our Continuously Connected Lives: What's Your 'App'-titude?
  • Week 5: October 31, 2016 - Building Resilience in Critical Infrastructure

We wanted to highlight a number of the events taking place across the nation throughout the month of October that will tackle these tough and important topics.[Tweet "Take a look at some of the events taking place during Cybersecurity Month. #GovEventsBlog"] Continue reading

Defense in Depth: A Look at Defense Industry Events

While the defense community is well acquainted with meeting and defeating big challenges, the dynamic nature of the cyber world is proving to be a daunting adversary for our military. From arming soldiers at the tip of the spear not only with weapons but also with data to fending off threats to cyber networks, defense professionals are in a constant learning mode while being on constant alert.[Tweet "The defense community is well acquainted with meeting and defeating big challenges. #GovEventsBlog"]

At GovEvents we are proud to be the defense community's one-stop-shop for finding training and networking events. We hope that our site takes some of the strain of this new tech frontier off their shoulders.

In this post we want to highlight some of the key events coming up for defense professionals through the end of the year.[Tweet "In this post we highlight some of the key events for defense professionals. #GovEventsBlog"] Continue reading

A Check-Up on Healthcare Events

Healthcare is a critical topic in the federal market. From the Affordable Care Act to HIPAA compliance, to cyber threats, the federal healthcare community is facing an enormous amount of change and outside pressures.[Tweet "Federal healthcare community is facing an enormous amount of change. #GovEventsBlog"] While providers need (and want) to focus on delivering more personalized medicine leading to better patient outcomes, all of these "back-office" issues need to be addressed to help them do just that.

Like any topic, there are a wide range of events that meet the education and training of the healthcare community. HIMSS is widely recognized as the must-attend event for the healthcare IT community. But beyond this annual event, there are many other options for the government health community to learn about and discuss the latest trends in care and health IT management.[Tweet "There are many event options for the government health community. #GovEventsBlog"]

We've pulled together a number of valuable events happening through the end of this year that span the wide range of topics that impact the federal health community. Continue reading