Social Media: Not Just for Marketing

We've written on the various ways you can use social media for marketing your event, but as this article points out there are a number of ways you can use social platforms beyond straight marketing. The public nature of social media will turn any use of it into marketing but we suggest looking at the platforms specifically for these uses and then reap the benefits that inherently happen.

  • Conversation and Resource Sharing - whether it is through Facebook or on a social site within your own event website. Give people a place where they can share ideas and questions before, during, and after the event. Create this central location for posting presentations and event materials to answer the always nagging question of "where can I find this online?"

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Rethinking Sponsor Packages

With both sponsors and attendees growing more savvy, the days of promising a logo on signage in return for event sponsorship are long gone. Companies investing in your event want a clear story around their return on investment and they know that in the age of advertising everywhere, attendees are fully able to decipher and ignore traditional brand advertising.[Tweet "Days of promising logo on signage in return for event sponsorship are long gone."]

We've come up with a couple of tips for making sponsorships stand out and provide measurable returns. Continue reading

Firefighter, Soldier, Police Officer…Event Planner?

Forbes recently released its annual summary of the most stressful jobs and coming in at number eight was event coordinator.[Tweet "Most stressful jobs... Number 8: Event Coordinator"] Those of us who have planned events, whether every day or once in a while, know there is a lot of pressure in making sure everything goes just right on event day. While errors are not life threatening as in the other professions listed, the adrenaline rush that comes from knowing you only get one chance to make it right is considerable. Add in the stress leading up to the event - are enough people registered? Why haven't all of the speakers sent in their slides? What if a giant storm hits right before the event? - and the ranking of the profession starts to make sense.

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How Millennials Are Changing the Meeting Industry

As we highlighted in an earlier post, there is a clear desire in government to attract younger workers from the millennial generation. Whether the federal government is successful in attracting the best and the brightest remains to be seen, but the truth is [Tweet "Millennials will continue to grow in the workforce. What does this mean for event profs?"]millennials will continue to grow in number and influence in the workforce. So what does this mean for business event professionals?

This article does a decent job in breaking down the key elements that millennials expect in an event. Continue reading

Want To Go Virtual?

With temperatures plummeting across much of the country, the idea of staying inside is incredibly appealing. Regardless of the season, organizations are struggling to get in needed training and networking with slim travel budgets. All of these factors boost the need for and interest in virtual trade shows.

This article in BizBash provides a great walk through of the decision making process that should go into whether of not to take your event virtual. Some quick highlights from their thoughts: Continue reading