“Weather” to Cancel or Not

With the gorgeous weather the east coast has been enjoying this summer, it's hard to think about inclement weather beyond a sharknado. But if extended forecasts (predictions) are right, much of the country is in for a cold and snowy winter. With event planners working on winter events now, we thought we'd pass along some helpful tips and resources for making weather contingency plans.

  • Insurance - many insurance providers offer a policy for inclement weather. If you are planning an event in an area that may be impacted by weather at the time of your event, looking into such a policy may be a solid investment. Premium costs for a one-day event can be as low as $100-200.
  • Contracts - take a close look at the cancellation/reschedule clauses with all vendors. If any of them don't feel right, work to negotiate them or chose another vendor.
  • Travel - encourage speakers (especially those coming from snowy climates) to think about booking their travel a day before their presentation. This will give them a chance to work around cancelled flights or bad weather. In your attendee guidance you may also want to encourage people to think about "padding" their travel time to your event.
  • Plan - work with all key event stakeholders (planners, sponsors, venue) to determine a go/no go strategy. Set some parameters early (forecast for 12 or more inches of snow means cancel, 80% or higher chance of rain means move events indoors) so when the time comes you already have a decision made and you're not battling with the emotions of being in the moment. Develop a number of contingency plans - cutting the event short by one day, moving to a different day, etc....
  • Attendee Communication - set plans and expectations early with attendees as to how you will communicate any changes. Social media updates, emails, notice on event website? Decide on your method(s) and make that clear when attendees register.
  • Rescheduling vs. Canceling - Determine if rescheduling is possible and work out some alternate dates with your venue. If attendees have purchased tickets and/or vendors have paid for booth space refunds will need to be given in the event of a cancellation or perhaps even with a reschedule, depending on timing. Make sure you have the mechanisms in place to do this easily.

What are your tips for weather contingency planning? What's worked in the past, where have you made mistakes? Let us know in the comments.


Image: woodtv.com 

Beyond the Beltway- Great Spots for Government Meetings: Atlanta

The next city in our Beyond the Beltway series is Atlanta, Georgia. Looking at the federal employee population across the country, there are some interesting concentrations that lend themselves to some targeted events. Atlanta is the home of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as offices for many related Health and Human Services agencies. There are over 44,000 federal employees in the Atlanta metro area. The largest military presence is the Army with seven bases in Georgia. Atlanta is also an easy hub for travel from anywhere in the country, particularly east coast cities.

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7 Creative Ideas to Attract New Attendees to Your Event

From time to time GovEvents will come across information we feel our members and audience would benefit from. Here's something we wanted to share:

Originally posted on BizBash.com

Check out these strategies focused on getting first-timers to your trade show or conference.

Smart planners know they can't rely on the same database of attendees year after year to fill their events. But how do you reach new people? Consider using some of these practical strategies from other trade shows and conferences.

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Breath of Fresh Air: Outdoor Event Spaces in DC

With it being so hot and sticky now, thinking about outdoor events may be a bit painful, but for event planners looking to book space for spring 2015 events outdoors may be the place to be. We've compiled a list of some of the hot spots that provide outdoor space for networking, cocktail receptions, or even lunch.

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Measure Twice Cut Once

The adage, "measure twice cut once" is used in the construction and DIY market to remind people to always confirm measurements to avoid costly mistakes (that cannot be undone). This same principle applies to event planning. No matter how silly it may feel (Hi, hotel? Just wanted to make sure my conference of 1000 people is on the books for this date.), confirming all details well in advance of the event is a critical step in making sure everything goes smoothly once you are onsite.

This article provided a helpful checklist of confirmations.  We wanted to take a moment to delve into a couple of these in greater detail.

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