Building Blockchain in Government

Use of blockchain is steadily rising across government as a secure, transparent, and cost-effective way to track the movement of goods, services, and data. From 2020 to 2023, government spending on blockchain more than doubled. In fact, spending may be even higher as blockchain may be used as part of other solutions, like the cloud, so spending on it is buried in larger technology procurements. Additionally, more and more procurements are specifying the need for blockchain expertise.

Blockchain in Government Today

Blockchain is being used to meet a wide variety of key government challenges, from combating fraud to reducing spending waste to improving the transparency of government services. The IRS is using blockchain data analytics to track down transactions and confirm their legitimacy. The Air Force is looking at it as a key component to drive predictive maintenance. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency is exploring how blockchain can secure systems against quantum computing threats to modern encryption. Continue reading