Way Beyond the Beltway: Hosting Events in Hawaii

In an age of austere budgets and travel restrictions, you may think we are out of our minds to suggest planning a meeting in Hawaii. Hear us out....

According to Gallup nearly 3 out of 10 workers in Hawaii work for the government. Location-wise it is a good draw for attendees from the pacific rim or even from the west coast. On our website we've had 14 events listed so far this year on the islands of Hawaii with another four happening between now and the end of the year.

Hawaii has a high military concentration as it is the headquarters of the United States Pacific Command (USPACOM). USPACOM comprises Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force service components, all headquartered in Hawaii. The Coast Guard, providing unique services to the islands, also has a large presence. If you are looking to host a smaller event catered to the military or even a larger event that will appeal to the unique needs of that region you may want to consider some of these venues.

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National Civic Hacking Event Takes Form June 1-2

Originally posted by  on Government Technology

If you're looking for evidence that hacking for a cause is sweeping the nation, this weekend's National Day of Civic Hacking, which boasts 95 affiliated events across the country, may just convince you.

The White House led event, June 1-2, aims to unite everyday citizens, coders, hackers and entrepreneurs to build civic solutions leveraging government data.

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West Coast States Project Development: EnergyOcean International Session Spotlight!

Get an in-depth look at a series of West Coast projects this June at EnergyOcean International Conference and Exhibition! This informative session identifies trends in development, wins and losses for the region and a snapshot of what's to come.

Ocean Energy: Progress Towards Development in Oregon

Two key efforts are underway that underpin Oregon's efforts to promote the development of wave energy. First is the completion of Oregon's Territorial Sea Plan (TSP) in early 2013. Second is the NNMREC in-water test site launched in 2012 and USDOE award of $4 million to fund phase two development of a full scale, grid-connected ocean energy demonstration center that can accommodate multiple devices of various technology types and scales. Oregon's Wave Energy Trust will present how balancing stakeholders and industry are key determinants for site quality and usability, as well as how they bridged the gap between R&D efforts and commercial development with the fishing industry and others.

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