Key Trends for Selling to Government

Selling into the government means abiding by a number of strict procurement rules around RFP submission, security and clearance compliance, and even buying lunch for customers. Luckily, in addition to these rules, government contractors can hone in their B2G marketing with clear, publicly available guidance on exactly the solutions government needs.

Each administration brings with it a new set of priorities that inform budgets and investments. As we near the halfway point of the first term of the Biden administration, there are a number of key documents that will guide what technologies and solutions government customers will buy. Continue reading

Navigating the Hybrid Government Career Fair Environment for Post Military Careers

As with other networking and professional development events, job fairs are also transitioning back to their in-person form, but not without changes. The beauty of a job fair is the convenience and efficiency for recruiters and job seekers alike - a place to meet possible matches all in one location. When pandemic restrictions moved events online, the convenience grew as people did not need to leave their house, but efficiency gains were not always realized. Just as the workforce is now hybrid, so too is the job seeking environment.

Virtual Job Fairs Mirror Virtual Work

Virtual job fairs are here to stay because of the convenience, time savings, and their ability to facilitate geographically inconvenient meetings. With more companies hiring a hybrid workforce, location is not as important-you could be in Washington, DC interviewing for a job in Austin, TX or vice versa. Many people have found they prefer remote work to in-office positions and those people will also look for virtual opportunities for networking. Continue reading

Mission Focused Defense Intelligence WorldWide Conference: 8-10 April 2013 in Baltimore MD

Originally posted by  on CTOvision

The Department of Defense's most elegant missions require advanced technologies exquisitely operated by highly trained professionals. This is especially true of intelligence missions, where complex situations involving threats to the nation must be assessed and acted upon quickly.

One of the critically important mechanisms used by planners in DoD intelligence to collaborate and coordinate with each other and with extended mission partners (including industry) is the Defense Intelligence Worldwide Conference, which will be held 8-10 April in Baltimore MD.

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