POSTPONED: Additive Manufacturing Firearms (3-D Printed Guns) Briefing
Thank you for your continued interest in Additive Manufacturing Firearms (3-D Printed Guns) briefing. Due to the current federal funding hiatus, the session scheduled for October 3rd has been postponed.
We will announce a rescheduled time and date in the upcoming weeks.
Additive Manufacturing Firearms (3D Printed Guns)
Given today’s ever-changing threat environment, come and learn about a new emergent threat that faces critical infrastructure owners and operators.
A Unique Training Opportunity
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Infrastructure Protection and the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are hosting a 2 hour briefing to enhance awareness of Additive Manufacturing Firearms (3-D Printer Guns) by:
Educating participants on the history of Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed, and 3D printed firearms;
Informing the audience on legal issues surrounding 3D printed firearms;
Describing the process for creating a 3D printed Liberator firearm;
Showing test examples conducted by the ATF
Fostering communication between infrastructure owners and operators about the future of 3D printed firearms
Expected Number of Attendees
Thu, Oct 3, 2013, 9:00am - 11:00am
GSA Regional Office Building (ROB)
301 7th Street SW
Washington D.C., DC 20024
Get directions
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