Unmanned Aircraft Systems Summit
To further our efforts to reduce the risk to the Nation's Critical Infrastructure, the United States Department of Homeland Security's Critical Manufacturing & Defense Industrial Base Sectors will be hosting a one day Unmanned Aircraft Systems(UAS) Summit. The UAS Summit will be an onsite presentation and two segments of the summit will be presented by webinar.
This Summit is intended for members of the Critical Infrastructure Community and not the general public. Due to the sensitive nature of the material being presented, participants planning to attending in person must be a member of the Critical Infrastructure Community as defined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. *This event is not open to solicitors or to the media.
This event will cover a diverse set of subjects and topics concerning several key aspects of Unmanned Aircraft Systems that will discuss the illicit use of UAS, Air Traffic Security, UAS Detection technology, FAA Enforcement, Countering drones and Law Enforcement. The UAS Summit will be an onsite event and two presentations will be conducted in conjunction with a webinar presentation that will start at 10:00am and end at 12:15pm.
Onsite Registration for those that will be attending in person will start at 8:00am and the briefings will be from 8:45am-3:30pm
2451 Crystal Drive Room 150 (First Floor Auditorium), Arlington, Virginia 22209
***Due to the sensitive nature of the material only two presentations will be broadcasted by webinar.***
***For those that will be participating by webinar:
Webinar: Starts at 10:00am and will end at 12:15pm.
Webinar Subject #1: UAS Integration (10:00am-11:00am)
Webinar Subject #2: FAA Enforcement (11:14am-12:15)
Webinar Conference Number: 800-988-9475
Webinar Conference Pin: 6911431
Webinar Link: https://share.dhs.gov/r7cfo7x37lc/
Speaker and Presenter Information
This event will feature several guest speakers from various agencies and industry and subject matter experts from various universities and companies.
Relevant Government Agencies
DOD & Military, Dept of Homeland Security, SSA, FAA
Event Type
This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities
Fri, Jan 16, 2015, 8:00am - 3:30pm
Complimentary: $ 0.00
Online Webinar
And Onsite:
2451 Crystal Drive Room 150
Arlington, VA 22209
Get directions
Click here to visit event website
Department of Homeland Security Sector Outreach and Programs Division