Infrastructure Security and Resilience Forum
The Infrastructure Security and Resilience (ISR) Forum brings critical infrastructure owners and operators together with the public sector to discuss the threat landscape, current security posture, preparedness goals, and available resources. The Forum is hosted by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
Why attend?
By the end of the ISR Forum, participants will:
- Gain a greater understanding of the threat landscape affecting interdependent critical lifeline infrastructure;
- Get ideas for coordinating preparedness planning for critical infrastructure security and resilience;
- Learn about support that CISA and other agencies provide; and
- Identify points of contact to engage within public and private sector organizations
Who should attend?
Industry and government representatives who have security interests within the greater-Los Angeles area. The ISR Forum brings together partners from a range of federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, as well as private sector organizations. This includes owners/operators, security personnel, first responders, and other stakeholders with a key role in cyber and/or physical infrastructure security and resilience.
Critical Lifeline Sectors include:
- Energy
- Transportation Systems
- Communications
- Water
- Emergency Services
Key industries within the Greater-Los Angeles area include:
Aerospace & Defense
Advanced Transportation & Cleantech
Education & Knowledge Creation
Entertainment, Digital Media & Creative Design
Food Manufacturing
Trade & Logistics
Hospitality & Tourism
Speaker and Presenter Information
Brian Harrell
Assistant Director for Infrastructure Security
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Brian Harrell was appointed by the President of the United States in December 2018 to serve as the Department of Homeland Security’s Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection. Brian now serves as the first Assistant Director for Infrastructure Security within the newly renamed Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
Recognized as one of Security Magazine's Most Influential People in Security, Brian is the former Managing Director of Enterprise Security at the Duke Energy Corporation. He is also the former Director of the Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) and Director of Critical Infrastructure Protection Programs at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), where he was charged with helping protect North America's electric grid from physical and cyber attacks.
Brian has spent time during his career in the US Marine Corps and various private sector agencies with the goal of protecting the United States from security threats.
Casey Keckler
Intelligence Officer of the U.S. Department of Homeland
Office of Intelligence and Analysis
Casey Keckler currently serves as an Intelligence Officer within the Field Operations Division (FOD) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A). While new to his current duty station in Phoenix, Arizona, Casey has served as an FOD Intelligence Officer over the past 7 years; to include, two years in Carson City, Nevada and, most recently, four years in Augusta, Maine.
Prior to joining the FOD in late 2012, Casey began his career in the Intelligence Community as a Counterterrorism Analyst in 2007. Over the course of his analytic career, Casey has represented the Department in Europe and the Middle East; served as an executive briefer for DHS leadership; and, was selected to serve on an Executive Office Task Force for Guantanamo Bay Detainees. Prior to the start of his IC career, Casey was a Legislative Aide for a U.S. Senator who assigned him to his committee staff on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Earlier in his career, Casey served as a Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Department of Treasury and Law Enforcement Officer in northwest Ohio.
Casey earned a B.S. in Political Science from Heidelberg University (’00) in Tiffin, Ohio and a Master of Public Administration and International Affairs from Bowling Green State University (’03). In 2009, Casey was awarded the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholarship and was the first I&A Intelligence Analyst chosen to attend the Defense Intelligence Agency's National Intelligence University on a full-time basis. He earned a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence ('10) after writing his Master’s thesis on "The Use of Non-Traditional Partners to Achieve Counterterrorism Objectives: A Case Study for the U.S. Fire Service".
Christine F. Riccardi
Director, Region IX
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Christine (“Christy”) Riccardi is the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Region IX Director. She has served in this capacity since 2016 and has worked within DHS since 2008.
She leads a 55-member regional cadre serving California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. They provide expert advice on cybersecurity, information sharing and protection, data tools and technology, and infrastructure resilience.
While in the Office of Infrastructure Protection, Ms. Riccardi provided strategic counsel to executive leadership to shape programs and resources, adapting them to the evolving cyber and physical infrastructure risk environment. Additionally, she designed, planned and implemented the 2 year-initiative to evolve the entire suite of IP operations to a regional based, service delivery model.
As Regional Director, Ms. Riccardi ensures strategic delivery of mitigation and preparedness programs for today’s evolving threat environment; addresses infrastructure resilience challenges and policy impacts through complex analysis; and applies risk management principles to infrastructure across all-hazards. Most recently, she led cybersecurity and physical security outreach and operations in support of U.S. election infrastructure.
Prior to government service, Ms. Riccardi was an industry systems engineer and program manager, specializing in information sharing processes, systems and technology—most notably, common operating picture software and systems.
A graduate of the Naval Postgraduate School for Homeland Defense and Security Studies, Ms. Riccardi earned a Master of Art in Security Studies. Ms. Riccardi also holds a Bachelor and Master of Science in Computer Science.
Alex Benoliel
Director of Corporate Security, SCE
Alex Benoliel is the Director of Corporate Security at Southern California Edison (SCE), serving in this position since January 2019. He leads a team of security professionals responsible for protecting SCE’s critical infrastructure, people, and assets across a diverse 50,000 square mile service territory with over 15 million customers. SCE’s security team actively deploys leading edge technologies within their field to ensure the protection of the grid today, as well as developing mitigation plans for future threats.
Prior to SCE, Alex served as a Director of Global Security for the Colgate-Palmolive Company in New York from 2013-2018. He led a diverse team with security oversight in an international landscape spanning over 70 countries, and ranging from small offices to major factories, including operations in developing nations. This position was a natural transition from his 12 years of law enforcement experience at the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security where he served both domestically and abroad. Alex’s government service included multiple assignments in sub-Saharan Africa and multiple tours with two Secretaries of State.
Prior to State, Alex was as an engineer and program manager at Hughes Space & Communications, now Boeing Satellite Systems, working on multiple commercial and government programs prior to his government service. Alex’s technical work resulted in the issuance of two U.S. patents. Alex is a graduate of Virginia Tech where he earned Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Aerospace Engineering. Alex is a pilot and avid motorcyclist.
Dr. Paul N. Stockton
Managing Director of Sonecon, LLC
Dr. Paul N. Stockton provides strategic advice to industry and government clients on critical infrastructure resilience and international security. Before joining Sonecon, Dr. Stockton served as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs from June, 2009 until January, 2013. In that position, helped lead the Department’s response to Superstorm Sandy and other disasters, guided Defense Critical Infrastructure Protection, and oversaw DOD continuity of operations programs and policies. Dr. Stockton was also responsible for DOD initiatives to strengthen security in the Western Hemisphere. In September, 2013, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel appointed Dr. Stockton to co-chair the Independent Review of the Washington Navy Yard Shootings, which recommended major changes to the Department’s security clearance system that are now being implemented.
Prior to his tenure as Assistant Secretary, Dr. Stockton served as Senior Research Scholar at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation, and Associate Provost of the Naval Postgraduate School.
Dr. Stockton serves on the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and is Co-Chair of the Council’s Cybersecurity Subcommittee. He is a Senior Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and a Senior Advisor to the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Analytic Services Inc., and on advisory boards for the Idaho National Laboratory, the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security Studies at the George Washington University, and other organizations.
Dr. Stockton was twice awarded the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, DOD’s highest civilian award. In addition, the Department of Homeland Security awarded Dr. Stockton its Distinguished Public Service Medal.
Douglas DeLancey
Chief, Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Strategy
Integration and Communications Section
Office for Bombing Prevention
Mr. Doug DeLancey currently serves as the Department of Homeland Security’s Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Strategy, Integration and Communications Section Chief in the Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP), where he is responsible for the daily operation and success of policy, analysis, and stakeholder outreach efforts. Additionally, he is responsible for the cross-cutting and integrating functions of the Office. He has supported the Office since January 2014 in several capacities, to include leading the first national capabilities-based assessment to determine the required capabilities to counter the threat of terrorist bombings.
Doug is a former Army Colonel who graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point with a Bachelor of Science degree. He was deployed multiple times in Infantry units, to include Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)—much of that time finding and attacking the networks responsible for employing improvised explosive devices.
He served as an Aide-de-Camp, Infantry Platoon Leader, Airborne Long Range Surveillance Detachment and Air Assault Company Commander, Airborne Battalion Operations and Executive Officer, and Infantry Battalion Commander. He also served in assignments at the Pentagon in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff, and Army Staff; and was awarded the Legion of Merit, three Bronze Stars, and an Army Commendation Medal for Valor. He is a graduate of Army Airborne, Air Assault, Jumpmaster, and Ranger School.
Doug has Master’s Degrees from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the Central Michigan University, and has completed the Homeland Security Course at the Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education in Cambridge, MA.
Shawn Matz
Chief, Logistics Branch
Response Division
FEMA Region IX
Mr. Matz supports the Response Division with the management and supervision of a small group of staff that are responsible for the implementation and execution of numerous federal logistics programs designed to build capabilities, enhance capacities and more effectively prepared Region IX to respond and recover from a multitude of possible events. Mr. Matz is also responsible for helping the nation achieve its all-hazards preparedness priorities by assisting to strengthen coordination of preparedness efforts among federal, state, local, and tribal governments, the private sector, and citizen partners within FEMA Region 9.
His previous assignments include service as a Logistics Specialist with the Logistics Management Division, under the Response Directorate at FEMA Headquarters. Prior to this Mr. Matz was a Logistics Section Chief, for Region II, New York, NY. Prior to Joining the federal government he was an employee for several building contractors.
His operational experience includes responses to the 2001 World Trade Center Terrorist attacks, New York, NY; 2002 Super Typhoon Pongsona, Guam; 2004 Hurricanes Charley, Ivan and Jeanne effecting Florida; 2005 Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana and Mississippi; 2009 Earthquake and Tsunami American Samoa, 2017 Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico and most recently the 2017 and 2018 devastating fires in California. He has also filled National and Regional Coordination Center assignments as well as staff assignments in various other support areas since starting with FEMA in 1996.
Tomer Benito
Security Manager, Metropolitan Water District
Tomer Benito is the Security Manager for the Metropolitan Water District. In his role, he is responsible for the vision, strategy and direction of the security organization within Metropolitan.
Tomer served in the IDF’s Paratrooper Brigade. His specialties were explosives, combat medicine and tactical weapons. In 1994 Tomer was one of the 100 soldiers to receive the Presidential Medal for excellence in service.
Tomer Joined the ISA (Israeli Security Agency – the Israeli Counter Terrorism Bureau), working at the branch of Infrastructure Protection. His most notable position was with the security operations for the Israeli airlines at LAX. In that position Tomer was a part of the terrorist attack mitigation at LAX on July 4 th , 2002. Thereafter, he started working with local law enforcement agencies on how to be hunters and detect suspicion indicators for malicious activity. In 2007, The Department of Homeland Security, the Science & Technology Directorate hired Tomer and his training methodology, The Art of Deterrence, to be delivered throughout the nation.
Tomer published a training novel, Rain for the Wicked, in 2007 as well as several articles in professional magazines. Tomer joined Metropolitan in 2012. He brought in his mindset and experience with DHS to look into and evaluate MWD’s infrastructure and vulnerabilities. Tomer holds a Masters in Geographic Information Systems with focus on spatial distribution of vulnerabilities from California State University Northridge.
Christopher O. Vicino
Effective November 7, 2016, Christopher O. Vicino was appointed as the Director of Security Services and Emergency Management.
Mr. Vicino is responsible for managing Security Operations, Emergency Management, Special Investigations, and Security Planning, overseeing approximately 300 employees. He will also direct the development and implementation of comprehensive security and emergency management programs, partner with intelligence and law enforcement agencies at the Federal, State, and local levels to identify and assess risks and potential threats, share intelligence information, and implement programs and controls to protect LADWP's infrastructure, and employee training to respond to large-scale emergencies for recovery of critical facilities, systems, and services.
Mr. Vicino has 32-years of law enforcement experience, serving 6-years with the Riverside Police Department as the Assistant Chief of Police and 26-years with the Pasadena Police Department, working at each rank and eventually being named the Chief of Police from 2008- 2010.
Mr. Vicino was born in Los Angeles and raised in the San Gabriel Valley. He earned a dual Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Political Science from Claremont Men’s College in 1984; He graduated from the California Commission on Peace Officer’s Standards and Training (POST) Command College in 2002, receiving the Hank E. Koehn Award for the Most Inspirational Student of his class. He was one of the first police executives in the nation selected by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to study at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security, where he earned his Master of Arts Degree in Security Studies, graduating with honors.
Since 1999, Mr. Vicino has been an adjunct professor at Pasadena City College, where he is well known to students for his mentorship and professional guidance. He is a current board member and past chairman of the Vocational Improvement Program, Inc., a non-profit organization in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties for individuals with disabilities.
Donald Boland
Executive Director California Utilities Emergency Association
Donald Boland is currently the Executive Director for the California Utilities Emergency Association (CUEA), the oldest and largest emergency utility association in California. His position encompasses providing technical, tactical and strategic directions for the membership. As Executive Director, he serves as the single point of contact for the critical infrastructure utilities and the State of California Office of Emergency Services along with other governmental agencies before, during and after an event to facilitate communications, coordination and emergency response. Mr. Boland Chairs the Utilities Operations Center, part of the State Operations Center.
Mr. Boland represents CUEA in a wide range of leadership capabilities including serving as principle on NFPA 1600 Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management, the adopted standard for Homeland Security; as a subject matter expert on NFPA 76 Technical Committee on Telecommunications; as utility chair on the Governor’s Public/Private Partnership initiative S04-06; as a member of the Standardized Emergency Management System advisory board; as a member of the California Water Agency Response Network State steering committee; on the Senior Leadership Committee for the Southern California Catastrophic Earthquake Response Plan; on the California Cyber Preparedness and Response project; and representing CUEA for the Cal OES State Emergency Plan.
Mr. Boland has coordinated responses to numerous major disasters including hurricanes, wildfires, tornados, power outage, earthquakes and manmade disasters. Mr. Boland led the largest private sector mutual assistance response in California history for Hurricane Sandy.
Mr. Boland served for 35 years as National Security/Emergency Preparedness Senior Director for AT&T/SBC domestic 48 states. He was Chief Officer in the volunteer fire service for 27 years.
Scott Breor
Director, Protective Security Coordination Division
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Scott Breor currently serves as the Director of the Protective Security Coordination Division (PSCD), where he oversees a nationwide cadre of critical infrastructure security specialists known as Protective Security Advisors (PSAs). He also leads the division’s efforts in vulnerability and security gap analysis; support to special events; and training on topics including active shooter preparedness; suspicious activity reporting; and improvised explosive device (IED) awareness and bomb threat management.
Mr. Breor also served as the Deputy Assistant Director (Acting) for the Infrastructure Security Division (ISD) within the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), where he helped oversee ISD’s efforts to help secure the nation’s critical infrastructure. These efforts are key to CISA’s mission to secure the nation’s cyber and physical infrastructure.
Mr. Breor has over thirty years of military and senior executive experience in the United States government. Prior to DHS, Mr. Breor was a Naval Aviator and had served as the Senior Policy Advisor for the Chief of Naval Operations on all Homeland Security matters. While assigned to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) he led a division that supported the CNO on key warfare and Homeland Security and Defense policy decisions, which included: interagency coordination, incident management, and Department of Homeland Security/Department of Defense integration. For his work for the CNO and his efforts following the tragic events of September 11, 2001 at the Pentagon, he was awarded the Legion of Merit. As a Naval Aviator he supported operations in Iceland, Greenland, Adriatic, Mediterranean, Azores, and South America.
Mr. Breor was a Senior Executive Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He received a Masters of Arts in National Security Studies and in Homeland Security and Defense from the Naval Post Graduate School, and received a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Oklahoma. In addition, he earned a Bachelor of Science in Physics from The Citadel.
Chris Regan
Security Specialist (Port Cybersecurity)
Contingency Planning & Force Readiness Dept.
U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach
Chris was hired by the U.S. Coast Guard as the first Security Specialist with a cybersecurity focus. Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach covers a large geographic area which stretches from Morro Bay down to the Orange County/San Diego border. Chris is responsible for the review and analysis of new laws, regulations, and other directives impacting Coast Guard cybersecurity. Chris is also charged with developing and maintaining relationships with various stakeholders in the government and private industry to further cybersecurity awareness and port cybersecurity initiatives. As a security specialist, Chris’s responsibilities also encompass areas outside of the cybersecurity realm, including the Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model (MSRAM), unmanned aircraft systems, communications, and emerging technologies.
Chris’s education includes a Master's in Cybersecurity Strategy and Information Management from the George Washington University, as well as a Bachelors in Business Law from California State University Northridge. One of the Chris’s responsibilities includes the position of Chairman of the Cybersecurity Subcommittee which is part of the larger Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC). This Subcommittee is Co-Chaired by the FBI and is composed of IT leaders, federal, state, and local agencies, as well as industry stakeholders. This organization serves as a conduit for maritime related cyber threat intelligence, information sharing, as well as information on cybersecurity educational events.
Anthony Burgess
Sergeant Anthony Burgess is currently the Counter Terrorism Unit supervisor at the Pasadena Police Department in southern California. In this capacity, he frequently works with the department’s Event Planning Section during large scale Rose Bowl events that often include football, soccer, and concert events.
During the Rose Bowl football game and Rose Parade each year, Sgt. Burgess is responsible for planning, scheduling, and managing all federal resources associated with game and parade operations, as well as post-parade operations. He is also responsible for overseeing all K9 bomb teams, county and federal Hazmat units, and county and federal Bomb Squad details. Sgt. Burgess coordinates all of these important assets, including the Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC) through a secondary command post called the Threat Assessment Response Team (TART).
Prior to this assignment Sergeant Burgess was the department’s Training Manager and a Patrol Supervisor. He has special unit experience working in the Special Investigations Section, the Special Enforcement Section, the Detective Section, and as a Field Training Officer and Defensive Tactics Instructor.
Sergeant Burgess’ primary focus in life is his family, he hold a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership from Woodbury University, and is a facilitator for the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department’s Deputy Leadership Institute (DLI). Sergeant Burgess is currently enrolled in the Supervisor Leadership Institute (SLI). In his off time, Sergeant Burgess enjoys spending quality time with his wife and three daughters, traveling, exercising, and teaching in a homeschool group.
Matthew Bettenhausen
Matthew R. Bettenhausen is the Senior Vice President and Chief Security Officer for AEG Worldwide. AEG is the leading sports and entertainment presenter in the world. They own or manage over 120 sports, entertainment and convention center venues such as STAPLES Center, the LA Convention Center and the LA Live entertainment district in Los Angeles. They own sports franchises in professional basketball, hockey, and soccer. AEG Presents is the second largest promoter of concerts, live tours and special events in the United States. Matt has overall responsibility for security, safety and preparedness for AEG’s domestic and global operations and facilities.
Matt is a Certified Protection Professional (CPP); Certified Sport Security Professional (CSSP); an attorney and a licensed Certified Public Accountant in Illinois.
Previously, Matt was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to lead California’s homeland security and emergency management operations as the Secretary of the California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA). Matt was a member of Governor Schwarzenegger’s cabinet for nearly six years and served as the Chairman of the California Emergency Council.
Prior to his appointment in California, Matt served as the first Director of State and Territorial Coordination with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), where he was one of the Department’s representatives to the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and a member of both the Department’s Emergency Response Group and its Interagency Incident Management Team.
For over twelve years, Matt served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Chicago where he investigated and prosecuted federal criminal offenses, including terrorism cases. He was also appointed Deputy Governor of Illinois and served as the State’s first Homeland Security Advisor.
Matt graduated summa cum laude from the University of Illinois with a B.S. in Accountancy and continued his education at the University’s law school where he earned his J.D. degree cum laude.
Expected Number of Attendees
200Relevant Government Agencies
Intelligence Agencies, Dept of Energy, Dept of Health & Human Services, Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Justice, Dept of Transportation, EPA, Other Federal Agencies, State Government, County Government, City Government, Municipal Government, FEMA, Coast Guard, Federal Government, State & Local Government

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Mon, Jul 15, 2019, 8:30am - 12:30pm
Free: | $0.00 |
Southern California Edison Energy Education Center
6090 North Irwindale Avenue
Irwindale, CA 91702
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Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency