Policy Paper Release: The Quantum Advantage: Why it Matters and Essential Next Steps

The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies invites you to join our rollout for our newest policy paper: The Quantum Advantage: Why it Matters and Essential Next Steps by Heather Penney, Senior Resident Fellow. The event will take place on Tuesday, January 30, at 10:30 am EST. She will be joined by Dr. Michael Hayduk, Deputy Director, Air Force Research Lab Information Directorate and Laura Thomas, Chief of Staff, Infleqtion.


Quantum information science and technology (QIST) is a major focus of defense innovation, yet few in the defense community really understand what is needed to mature these technologies into valuable warfighter capabilities. U.S. policy makers often jump to quantum computing when speaking of QIST advantages. Yet, other quantum applications are advancing at a pace that can fix known defense vulnerabilities and capability gaps within the next five years—things like timing, navigation, sensing, and radio frequency reception. Because many applications are defense specific, DoD needs an investment strategy that goes well beyond research and development. This series of reports by Heather Penney helps to demystify the science behind quantum technologies, explain why securing a lead in this field matters to warfighters, and recommend next steps U.S. defense leaders should take to achieve a quantum advantage.

Relevant Government Agencies

Air Force, DOD & Military, Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government

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Tue, Jan 30, 2024, 10:30am ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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