CBP IT Initivatives and Contracting wit...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection: Information Technology Initiatives and Contracting with Small Business An AgencyInsight™ event made possible through the support of: Small federal contractors are invited to join us for a discussion with U.S. Custom and Border Protection's Charles Armstrong and Guy Torres on May 30th at the Carr Workplaces Event Center next door to the historic Willard Hotel. This AgencyInsight™ event represents...
EW Europe 2013: Advancing Electronic Wa...
About: Electronic Warfare Europe is an unrivalled forum discussing the latest in EW across land, maritime, air/space and EM environments. With the widest ranging attendance of any EW gathering in the world and an exhibition showcasing the latest technology, tools and equipment all under one roof, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Come and meet the leaders and operators across government, defence and industry that are shaping the future...
FutureGov Forum New Zealand
"New Zealand delivers 2013 ICT reforms- Under government reforms in 2013, the New Zealand Cabinet is revitalising its Information and Communication (ICT) Strategy for the New Year. This Strategy, expected to be announced in May 2013, lays the foundations for policy reforms. These developments impact on agency-wide ICT procurement, funding and service delivery programmes. The New Zealand government spends an estimated NZ $2 billion on ICT ...
May 28, 2013
FutureGov Location:
Wellington, NZ
Developing Insights from User Analytics
Join us for a series of one-hour training sessions to examine to the current policies, trends, executive orders and technology for establishing an interactive dialogue with constituencies and effective online collaboration. May 28: Developing Insights from User Analytics Analytics can help your agency better understand user activity, as well as uncover patterns that can save money—or even a life. From social analytics to monitoring busin...
May 28, 2013
FedInsider Location:
Coaching The UnCoachable
Perhaps they were mis-hired to begin with. Or, perhaps they were promoted well past their ability; perhaps they simply don't want to do what's required... You just don't know and you're spending a ton of your time analyzing the "why" and the "what. Perhaps you're thinking is "I'm spending my time for no return, when I could be spending it on someone else for recognizable value." Dr. Stephanie shares success strategies on working with the un-co...
Active Shooter Workshop-Rapid City, SD
THIS IS NOT A TACTICAL TRAINING COURSE Does your organization have a plan for an active shooter event or hostage taking? Given today’s ever-changing threat environment, preparing for and training employees to cope with workplace violence should be a key piece of an organization’s incident response planning. A Unique Training Opportunity The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, ar...
GEOINT Community Week
GEOINT Community Week 2013 GEOINT Community Week (GCW) brings together defense, intelligence and homeland security geospatial-user community for a week of classified briefings, learning workshops, technology exhibits and networking opportunities. Monday, May 20 – DI2E Plugfest and Mashup(An AFEI Event – Separate Registration Required)George Mason University0800 – 1500Free for Government / Registration required Tuesday, May 21...
May 20-24, 2013
USGIF Location:
Reston, VA
SANS Austin 2013
We invite you to SANS Austin 2013 in May. Our course offerings include courses from IT Security Essentials to our cutting-edge Virtualization and Private Cloud Security course. You will also find incident handling, forensics, and security policy and leadership training. Courses are taught by real-world practitioners who are the best at ensuring you not only learn the material, but that you can apply it immediately when you return to the office...
Federal Data Center Consolidation: Doin...
In recent years, the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative (FDCCI) has tasked Government agencies with consolidating Data Centers for reducing costs, improving efficiencies, promoting the use of Green IT, and creating an infrastructure that is fast, nimble and cost effective. Come hear from government and industry practitioners who are at the forefront of developing the next generation government data center. Attend this webinar and lea...
Reverse Auctions 101: The Right Choice...
Spend 90 minutes with a practicing professional—a contractor selling commercial items to the U.S. government, directly and indirectly. Learn from years of research and practice on how to navigate and negotiate commercial items and pricing. Hear the answers to the questions asked by buyers. Apply the principles and resources provided to leverage your commercial product or service. Participants will learn about: Saving on procurement costs...
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