Security Clearance EXPO - Hiring Event-...
SecurityClearanceEXPO - Hiring Event Thursday, March 7th The Westin DFW Airport 4545 W John Carpenter Freeway Iriving, TX 7506310AM - 2PM Interview With The Areas Top Companies That Are Hiring For 1000's Of Fully Funded Opportunities producer of the best and most exclusive & Successful hiring events for professionals with an active security clearance. Would like to invite you for some FREE food & drinks. Inter...
Cleared Job Fair Thursday, March 7, fro...
Security cleared professionals please join us at the Cleared Job Fair Thursday, March 7, from 11am - 3pm at the DoubleTree BWI, MD. Our cleared facilities employers include Chiron Technology Services, Cyber Squared, Engility, General Dynamics-IT, HP, Lockheed Martin, ManTech, MITRE, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, SAIC, Tanager and more! Opportunities in information technology, intelligence, engineering, cyber security and project management, amon...
2013 Data Center Brainstorm
Data center consolidation continues to be a high priority as we move closer to OMB's rigorous 2015 deadlines. How is the intersection of consolidation, cloud, mobility, and even big data going to affect the path forward? Which mandates are realistic and which should change? Join MeriTalk's Data Center Exchange for the second annual 2013 Data Center Brainstorm on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The event will bring to...
March 7, 2013
MeriTalk Location:
Washington, DC
Success Strategies for Meeting the 2013...
Over the past year, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have made major advances in improving and simplifying the future security requirements for government information technology (IT). They have identified new standards, strategies, and solutions that have reduced the FISMA requirements on the government organizations by over 50 percent and the risk to systems by much more. Thes...
NIEM Technical Training
The IJIS Institute, through grant funding provided by the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, provides National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Technical Training for government and industry. The three day NIEM Technical Training curriculum is designed for developers and practitioners in the field to provide the information needed to enable them to build applications using NIEM and use it effectively. The training course wil...
Biometrics Summit
Don’t miss the leading U.S. event for the biometrics industry focused on the latest biometric projects and industry practices – Join your colleagues for this must-attend 2-day training… 2013 Winter Biometrics Summit Practical Deployment Strategies, Market Trends, And Best Practices In Government And Business March 4 – 7, 2013 in Miami, Florida ****Register by January 10th for an early-bird discount of $400!! WHY IS THI...
Alliance Mid-Atlantic Small Business Pr...
A primary challenge for business is to be aware of current regulations and guidelines. This conference provides opportunities to meet buyers and contracting officers from major military bases, the surrounding states and large companies to discuss business opportunities. Educational sessions will provide current information on emerging new standards and provide you with the tools to bid and contract successfully, gain valuable information and s...
Oracle Public Sector Virtual Summit
Budgets are shrinking, citizen demands are increasing, data centers are still saddled with disparate, legacy information systems, public accountability expectations are escalating, and technology innovations have raised new security vulnerabilities. The intensified complexity of IT systems can be overwhelming. How do public sector organizations build smarter, stronger, simplified and more efficient organizations that thrive under today’s...
Surety Bonds in Government Contracting...
Jennifer Schaus & Associates will present a webinar on surety bonds in government contracting. The guest speaker is Josh Etemadi of Construction Bonds, Inc. Please join us to learn about surety bonds and what they mean for your government contracting business. RECORDED Presentation: Full List of Webinars:
FutureGov Forum Malaysia
Our 9th annual FutureGov conference in Malaysia is the key gathering point for Malaysian senior public servants to meet with their international counterparts from United Kingdom, Korea, Hong Kong, Australia and ASEAN to discuss fresh approaches to government modernisation – and find answers to common challenges, such as: How to create personalised communications for specific citizen demographics? How can Malaysia’s e-services be pr...
March 5-6, 2013
FutureGov Location:
Kuala Lumpur, MY
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