November Monthly Speaker Series Continu...
Location and Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 The Hamilton Crowne Plaza Washington, DC1001 14th Street NW (14th & K)Washington, DC 20005Phone: 202-682-0111Metro: Metro Center (Red Line); McPherson Square (Blue and Orange Lines)(map and driving directions) Costs Government Attendees Government Subscribers - included in subscription; log in to register and reserve your seat Government Member Pre-Registered (before 11/13, 12pm) - $20 Govern...
November 14, 2012
AFFIRM Location:
Washington, DC
Federal Regional Report – Philadelphia, PA
Reported federal spending in the Philadelphia region totaled $130B for FY 2007-2011. Defense accounts for 82% of the regional spending, attributed to the DLA, Navy and Army. Join Deltek’s Principal Research Analyst, Jennifer Sakole, for an online presentation that will provide detailed insight to help contractors know more about the current federal market and top opportunities in Philadelphia. What You Will Learn: Where federal dollars a...
November 14, 2012
Deltek Location:
TECHEXPO Top Secret Baltimore, MD
Promote your career to a higher level with TECHEXPO Top Secret. Interview for hot jobs in information technology, cyber security, cloud computing, aerospace, engineering, homeland security, intelligence & more. An active Security Clearance and industry experience is required to attend. You are encouraged to bring many resumes and alert your friends & colleagues about these upcoming exclusive hiring events. Meet the industry’s gro...
NDIA - Homeland Security Symposium
Will the 2012 election bring change to the homeland security enterprise or will things remain the same? Come hear what the experts believe will be the impact on homeland security policy, operations and spending in the coming administration. Topics will include: Cyber SecurityCritical Infrastructure ProtectionDisaster ManagementTerrorism/Border SecurityTransportation Security New for 2012 Symposium: Presentations by State and Local LeadersTechn...
Human Geography Event
When Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) became a focal point for US Forces it grew more essential to shift the way we approach enemy territories. While adapting our strategies, one aspect that was previously overlooked came to the fore front: know who you are fighting. Specifically, we look to personality profiles, daily schedules and routines, language, cultural identities, potential hideouts and places of cult...
November 12-14, 2012
IDGA Location:
Washington, DC
WHAT'S COVERED The vast majority of BI professionals are excited about the prospects of data mining, but are fully mystified about where to begin or even how to prepare. Of those who did initiate a modeling initiative, a recent data mining industry survey of predictive modeling practitioners reports that 51% of data mining projects either never left the ground, did not realize value or the ultimate results were not measurable. Despite its elus...
TECHEXPO Top Secret McLean, VA
This November take advantage of TECHEXPO Top Secret hiring events to scope out the career you have been searching for! Discover all the career opportunities and professions related to information technology, cyber security, cloud computing, aerospace, engineering, project management, homeland security, intelligence & more! Make sure to bring many copies of your resume, as you will be interviewing face-to-face with the Nation’s leadin...
Webinar: Maximizing the 9 Phases of Fed...
Each year, 23% of federal contracts are specifically set aside for small businesses. That is billions of dollars waiting for the right combination of specialization, speed, responsiveness and price. Put your business at an advantage by learning how to best align strategic marketing and business development efforts with every phase of the federal award cycle. Gain valuable insights on the complete federal acquisitions process, as well as the te...
November 13, 2012
Deltek Location:
Feith in DC Free Seminar & Workshop: "U...
Feith in DC Free Seminar & Workshop "Uniting Your Critical BusinessProcesses Under One Umbrella" BPM & Workflow | Task Management | Records Management SharePoint Integration | Crystal & Report Management | Auto-Categorization Tuesday November 13th Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, Washington DC Register Now! Feith Systems is bringing its caravan to Washington DC Tuesday, November 13th for a full day, in-person Seminar and Workshop. This...
Controlling Project Costs to Improve Pr...
Controlling costs directly impacts your project profitability and those controls must be in place right from the start in order to maximize positive bottom-line impact. Whether your project management process needs fine-tuning or a complete re-evaluation, you will find practical ideas and information on how to better anticipate, manage and ultimately control your project costs: Why make a profit? Essentials of project cost control Elements of...
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