Cyber Power: The Quest Towards A Common...
The Air Force Research Institute (AFRI) is conducting a conference to consider strengthening and expanding the way we are organizing the unified response to future cyber incidents. The aim of the conference, is to refine existing conversations by bringing together policy makers and practitioners who are engaged in new-style partnerships across the interagency, along with technologists who can judge the feasibilities of proposed efforts. Since...
WHAT'S COVERED The vast majority of BI professionals are excited about the prospects of data mining, but are fully mystified about where to begin or even how to prepare. Of those who did initiate a modeling initiative, a recent data mining industry survey of predictive modeling practitioners reports that 51% of data mining projects either never left the ground, did not realize value or the ultimate results were not measurable. Despite its elus...
AFCEA Bethesda Monthly Breakfast Series
The AFCEA Bethesda Monthly Breakfast series features panel discussions led by senior-executive government representatives. With speakers drawn largely from federal civilian agencies, breakfast topics span a wide range of timely issues—from health IT to cybersecurity to Gov 2.0—and are discussed in a panel format that offers a compelling snapshot of multiple agency perspectives. The goals of the event are to foster better inter-agen...
October 10, 2012
AFCEA Bethesda Location:
North Bethesda, MD
Webinar: Top 20 Federal Opportunities f...
The start of October welcomes the start of a new federal contracting year. Do you know how to fill your pipeline with federal opportunities, and get a jump start on your competition? Join Deltek’s Kevin Plexico for a free webinar on the upcoming report, Top 20 Federal Opportunities for FY 2013, to be released in October 2012. This webinar uncovers key trends and implications that drive opportunities in fiscal year 2013. Preview Topics to...
October 10, 2012
Deltek Location:
Free Webinar: "The New Records Manageme...
Records Management Reform Update: The New Records Management Directive:What Every Agency Needs To Know Webinar Information WHEN: Wednesday October 10: 2pm ETWHERE: In the comfort of your own officeCOST: FREEINFO: Please direct all inquiries to: What You'll Learn Last quarter, NARA and the OMB released the "Directive on Managing Government Records", mandating all Federal Agencies to reform their Records Management policies and...
Simplified Acquisition Spotlight: DHS -...
If an easier way to find and win federal contracts existed, would you be interested? The Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) were created to reduce the administrative burden for Government and Industry, and to create additional government contracting opportunities for small business concerns. It says so in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). While the process for issuing and awarding these requirements is streamlined, finding and wi...
Webinar: Federal IT Hardware and Softwa...
Major cuts are coming, even if sequestration is avoided. Whether or not sequestration actually occurs, agencies will be pressured for “controlled cuts” to “near-sequestration” levels for federal Information Technology spending in the hardware and software market. Join Deltek’s Director of Federal Industry Analysis, Deniece Peterson, for an online presentation on detailed insight into federal agency’s drive t...
October 4, 2012
Deltek Location:
Security Clearance Expo- October Maryla...
Security Clearance Expo October Hiring Event Thursday, October 4th 2012The Westin - BWI1110 Old Elkridge Landing RoadLinthicum Heights, Maryland 21090Interview from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Octobers Most Exclusive Hiring Events Interview for 1000's career opportunities of NEWLY AWARD TASK ORDERS Face to Face With The Areas Top Companies who will have PM's, Hiring Managers & More available to present contingency Offers To the Right Candidates! T...
Free Webinar: "Critical Importance of e...
Critical Importance of eDiscovery:Full Text Search, Collecting, Freezing,Leaps, Publishing, and More Webinar Information WHEN: Thursday October 4: 2pm ETWHERE: In the comfort of your own officeCOST: FREEINFO: Please direct all inquiries to: What You'll Learn Organizations like yours fall into two categories: Those that have been party to a legal dispute, and those that will. Discover how a dynamic, powerful Full Text Search wi...
Future ISR
Future ISR: C4ISR, Network Enabled Capability and ISR Interoperability Conference, Roundtables and Exhibition Here’s Why Future ISR Is One Event You Can’t Afford To Miss Understand new national and multinational approaches to Joint ISR that will impact your organisation to make better decisions about investing your time, money and effort across your ISR portfolio for the year ahead Enhance your professional network by meeting gover...
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