Voluntary Disclosures: What, When, Why...
Doing disclosures can be costly both in man hours and legal fees and usually result in no monetary penalties. Find out how to establish a policy on disclosures with an eye toward cost savings. Even the most compliant companies can make mistakes and whether or not to file “voluntary disclosures” relating to these errors is often a difficult decision. Companies have options when dealing with violations and should have a policy on wha...
GovCONnections: DoD Deputy Asst Scty Ro...
Since October the Dulles Regional Chamber of Commerce’s GovCONnections committee has been hosting a three-part series entitled “The State of Cyber Security: What You Need to Know Today and Tomorrow.” Part III will take place December 7 and focus on cyber security policy, legislation, and budget. Please join us to learn more about cyber trends from our esteemed speakers Robert Butler, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for...
Closing the Supervisory Skills Gap: A H...
FACT: Studies have shown the biggest influence on employee productivity, engagement, and retention is the direct supervisor. However, with recent Congressional legislation and less-than-positive research reports by the Merit Systems Protection Board, it is clear that supervisory effectiveness is subpar in many federal agencies. How can you as a federal leader begin to address the long-standing skills gaps that may exist in your agency’s...
2011 Integrated Warfare Systems Conference
The purpose of this conference is to bring together DoD, Navy, industry, and university leaders for two days of meaningful discussion, including a view of key action being taken on current and future programmatic direction. This first Navy Integrated Warfare Systems Conference will highlight:(1) National, DoD, and Navy leadership perspectives(2) The DoD acquisition climate and its effects on the Program Executive Office for Integrated Warfare...
December 6-7, 2011
PEO IWS Location:
Arlington, VA
The Asia-Pacific Century: Overcoming th...
In October 2011 the Air Force Research Institute (AFRI) will turn its research effort toward the development of a long range Air Force strategy for the Indo-Pacific. As part of the Air Force Symposium Series and in support of AFRI's research, Air University will host a two-day conference December 6-7, 2011 that is designed to bring leading scholars and practitioners together for an open discussion on the future of the Indo-Pacific. The objecti...
Miami All-Hazards/All-Stakeholders Summ...
Network with Peers and Share Your Experiences Whether it's a catastrophic accident, a cycle of major hurricanes, or an act of terrorism, Miami officials cannot predict when or how disasters will strike. What we do know is that expanded regional collaboration and response capabilities will be critical to the public’s safety. Sharing information and lessons learned is imperative for Miami’s all-hazards planning. This is truly a must...
Biobased Products in Operations, Mainte...
Live! Via streaming video at your desktop computer or by satellite downlink This seminar is designed for Federal employees and contractors; Federal facility managers and other O& M professionals; commercial and industrial cleaning service personnel; and manufacturers, suppliers, and vendors of biobased products. Get the latest information on: BioPreferred O&M and cleaning product categories,examples of effective biobased products, and...
Military Airlift: Rapid Reaction and Ta...
SMi is proud to present its 12th Annual Military Airlift: Rapid Reaction & Tanker Operations conference, to be held in Amsterdam on 5th and 6th December 2011. It is the largest bespoke Military Airlift conference in Europe and enjoys the full support of the EATC and MCCE. We also receive high-level representation from across NATO, year-on-year. The conference hosts over 120 delegates annually and receives support from a broad but firm base...
December 5-6, 2011
SMi Group Ltd Location:
Amsterdam, NL
GTRA SecureGOV Technology Council Meeting
Industry receives 10% OFF rates. Please contact GTRA for more details. GTRA SecureGOV Technology Council Meeting - December 4-6, 2011 - Bedford, PA The invitation-only GTRA Technology Council Meeting is an opportunity for Government IT leaders to come together to collaborate, network, and share best practices and lessons learned across the areas paramount in ensuring success around our nation’s technology initiatives. Sessions will focus...
December 4-6, 2011
GTRA Location:
Bedford, PA
SANS San Antonio 2011
Join us in the Lone Star State this fall for SANS San Antonio 2011, November 28-December 5. This event features six of our most popular courses in audit, security, security management, pen testing, and computer forensics. Our Audit 407: Foundations of Auditing Information Systems is new. One short course will also be offered, Security 580: Metasploit Kung Fu for Enterprise Pen Testing, with a reduced fee if you take it in conjunction with a fi...
November 28 - December 5, 2011
SANS Institute Location:
San Antonio, TX
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