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ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit
The ATARC Federal Cloud Computing Summit will be held on Thursday, July 23 at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center in Washington, D.C. This educational one-day symposium will feature cloud computing subject matter experts from the Federal government and academia participating on panels. The MITRE-ATARC Cloud Symposium will discuss and white-board various cloud challenge areas” and produce a White Paper with recommendations for the Fed...
July 23, 2015
Organizer: Fedsummits by ATARC
Location: Washington, DC
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Negotiating Enterprise Agreements: A Pa...
Federal IT leaders face quite a dilemma: how to continue delivering the same or higher levels of mission critical IT services to your constituents while managing with fewer resources and dollars. Negotiating agency-wide enterprise agreements with large IT manufacturers (e.g. Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, and VMware) for IT hardware, software, and/or support has proven an effective, albeit difficult approach for you and your peers. Many Federal IT...
July 22, 2015
Organizer: Censeo Consulting Group
Location: Washington, DC
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Where Cloud Computing Meets Mission: Ma...
In the coming fiscal year, the White House expects the federal government to spend some $7.5 billion on provisioned services like cloud computing. Four years removed from the unveiling of the Cloud First strategy, the question today isn’t whether agencies will transition services and critical systems to cloud, it’s when. Maximizing investment in the cloud requires a strategy that factors in risk, security, cost, agility and a hard...
July 21, 2015
Organizer: Government Executive Media Group
Location: Washington, DC
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Finding the Rogue Insider
If you discovered an insider attack has taken place it's very likely too late to contain the damage. Finding rogue insiders before they act is critical. How can rogue insiders be identified in advance? What strategies can you undertake to find them before they act? Find out at our Webinar on "Finding the Rogue Insider". Why Are Organizations at Risk? Dial in and gain insight into why Rogue Insiders pose such a large threat. Be informed so you...
July 21, 2015
Organizer: Covenant Security Solutions, Inc.
Location: Webcast
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Turning Data into Intelligence in Government
Government agencies are flooded with a tsunami of data delivered in multiple electronic formats, whether that is PDFs, spreadsheets, documents, maps or even social media. Agencies are tasked with using that data to fulfill their mission, cost-effectively and securely. This webinar will look at how agencies are managing data to deliver knowledge in context. Learning Objectives: Understand strategic approaches agencies are using to conform to th...
July 21, 2015
Location: Webcast
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DHS Active Shooter Preparedness Worksho...
THIS IS NOT A TACTICAL TRAINING COURSE Given today's ever-changing threat environment, preparing for and training employees to cope with workplace violence should be a key piece of an organization's incident response planning. A Unique Training Opportunity Westfield Topanga Canyon Mall and the National Protection and Programs Directorate Office of Infrastructure Protection within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is hosting a one-day Se...
July 17, 2015
Organizer: Department of Homeland Security
Location: Canoga Park, CA
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Contracting Officer's Representative (C...
Other dates and locations available for immediate registration. Reviewed and verified by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) as meeting the training requirements for FAC-COR Level II. Moving beyond the basics covered in COR Level I Training, this hands-on, interactive 5-day course builds on your experience, deepens your understanding of the acquisition process, and takes your skills and capabilities to the next level. It is taught by train...
July 13-17, 2015
Organizer: American Management Association
Location: San Francisco, CA
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FCPA Compliance – The Devil Is in the D...
The potential opportunities and financial rewards associated with expansion into new foreign markets can seem limitless. However, jumping into the global marketplace also brings with it new challenges and pitfalls that extend well beyond compliance with export and import clearance formalities. As corruption in international business is commonplace and even rampant in many parts of the world, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA...
July 16, 2015
Organizer: Export Compliance Training Institute
Location: Virtual
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2015 INSA IC Industry Day
INSA presents its annual IC Industry Day as a comprehensive forum for Intelligence Community leaders to communicate their budget priorities to industry. Representatives from across the IC will engage in a frank discussion on issues of most concern in order to enable industry to provide optional support to the IC. INSA’s IC Industry Day is an excellent opportunity for industry professionals from large and small companies to learn about th...
July 16, 2015
Organizer: Intelligence National Security Alliance
Location: Chantilly, VA
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Vulnerability Assessment/Risk Analysis...
Students will learn the difference between qualitative and quantitative risk analysis. They will use a variety of methodologies (including MSHARPP & R3SME [asset owner's point of view], CARVER [aggressor's point of view], ABRA [combination] & CAIRA [analysis of energy systems supporting critical assets]) to evaluate single or multiple buildings and critical infrastructure nodes. This workshop is very “hands-on” with numerou...
July 14-16, 2015
Organizer: Haines Security Solutions
Location: Oxnard, CA
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