KM Institute - Knowledge Management Cer...
The KM Institute CKM is the Certification of choice among managers and workers of KM projects worldwide. Learn new tips, obtain new tools, and gain a proven methodology for success. You'll leave with the necessary knowledge and skills to lead successful KM initiatives, no matter what your organizational size, structure, or purpose. Not Just a 5-Day Workshop but a Complete Blended Learning Experience "Before" Recommended e-Learning Modules - to...
Using Cloud Computing to Transform Government
Using Cloud Computing to Transform Government – A Game Changer (The Next Steps for Agencies in the Effective Use of the Cloud) Training Workshop Since 2009, the Federal Government has been shifting its Information The initial focus of compliance with the Cloud First mandate, and a focus on cost savings are starting to give way to serious use of cloud computing to support agency business and mission capabilities. According to GSA, Federal...
TECHEXPO Top Secret Maryland Hiring Event
Be strategic with your career search - industry leading employers choose TECHEXPO, the nation's leading producer of Security-Cleared hiring events, each month to recruit & hire qualified candidates like yourself. We also encourage you to share this information with your network of cleared professionals that are qualified to attend. TECHEXPO Top Secret MD Hiring Event Thursday, September 18 - 10am - 3pm BWI Marriott 1743 West Nursery Road B...
Spurring Innovation, Lowering Risk: Ado...
Government relies on technology to develop new ways to deliver services to the citizen. At the same time, Congress and the White House have historically kept a tight rein on high risk I.T. projects that incur costly delays while contributing little to mission-related outcomes. To lower the risk and to innovate in the face of rapidly changing technologies, the Office of Management and Budget recommends that agencies abandon multiyear developmen...
September 18, 2014
AFFIRM Location:
Washington, DC
Congressional Operations Seminar (September)
This five-day course provides a comprehensive look at congressional processes and organization, and at how Congress affects the daily operations of every department and agency in the executive branch. The Congressional Operations Seminar, which we have been conducting for more than 40 years, is the first course most participants take with GAI. Like most Government Affairs Institute courses, the Congressional Operations Seminar is conducted on...
EEOC Executive Leadership Development T...
In its third year, the EEOC Executive Leadership Development Training has empowered and motivated its attendees to be better leaders and role models in their agencies. Designed for senior leaders in the EEO and HR fields, this one-day training will ensure that attendees have the necessary leadership skills to continue to excel in their careers. The training seminar will feature speakers who are industry leaders in management, professional deve...
Predictive Analytics World for Governme...
Predictive Analytics World for Government is the largest and only vendor-neutral analytics conference for government. We are holding our fourth annual conference this September 15-17 in Washington, DC at the Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel. Predictive Analytics World for Government (PAWGOV) is a practically-focused conference that highlights case studies of how government agencies are currently using data analytics to solve real world problems. L...
Federal Reduction in Force Procedures
The Federal Reduction-in-Force Procedures course teaches participants the procedures to be followed when faced with separation or downgrading an employee because of a Reduction-in-Force (RIF). Course content includes defining the competitive area; assigning competitive levels; determining retention levels; releasing employees from a competitive level; separating employees by RIF; and addressing RIF notices, RIF appeal rights, retirement, compe...
Federal Reduction in Force Procedures
The Federal Reduction-in-Force Procedures course teaches participants the procedures to be followed when faced with separation or downgrading an employee because of a Reduction-in-Force (RIF). Course content includes defining the competitive area; assigning competitive levels; determining retention levels; releasing employees from a competitive level; separating employees by RIF; and addressing RIF notices, RIF appeal rights, retirement, compe...
Human Resource Competencies for Federal...
The Human Resource Competencies for Federal Supervisors course is designed to help new supervisors acquire the skills they need to make effective Human Resource Management decisions. The course provides the knowledge and skills-base essential for establishing a solid foundation for making human resource management decisions and supports federal supervisors in meeting critical human resource management competencies. The design includes a wide v...
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