66th NIGP Annual Forum and Product Exposition
We look forward to seeing you at the 66th NIGP Annual Forum and Product Exposition at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center in National Harbor, MD! You owe it to yourself and to your agency to attend! One innovative or new idea could save your agency thousands of dollars! Close the gap by attending pertinent educational sessions, networking with peers and finding the latest products and services in the products exposition. Take this...
August 25-29, 2011
NIGP Location:
National Harbor, MD
Global Congress on Legal, Safety ...
The Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau, in coordination with HospitalityLawyer.com, is producing the first-ever Global Congress on Legal, Safety, and Security Solutions in Travel - the only conference that places legal, safety and security solutions for the travel industry under one roof. What is the Global Congress? "This conference enables all aspects of the travel equation to share their legal, safety, and security experience...
Federal Contractors Roundtable - Tysons
The Federal Contractors Roundtable provides a highly-relevant forum where business leaders and industry professionals can discuss current and upcoming legislative, agency-specific policy and regulatory changes impacting how they find and win government sector business. This open discussion forum focuses on the current challenges of running a B2G business and finding and winning B2G business. The goal of each roundtable is to leverage the group...
Peak Series CIO Breakfast Featuring Lt....
Greetings! On Thursday, July 28, 2011, Mountaintop Marketing Group's Peak Series CIO Breakfast Series welcomes Lt. General William T. Lord, Chief Information Officer, U.S. Air Force! Given fiscal year end heightened contracting activity, we will also host a “Relationship Forum” to establish and expand small business relationships with several key large prime contractors including IBM, L-3, Serco, Unisys and more! NEW: ABOUT Our Re...
WHAT'S COVERED The vast majority of BI professionals are excited about the prospects of data mining, but are fully mystified about where to begin or even how to prepare. Of those who did initiate a modeling initiative, a recent data mining industry survey of predictive modeling practitioners reports that 51% of data mining projects either never left the ground, did not realize value or the ultimate results were not measurable. Despite its elus...
2011 Innovation Nation Forum - Shake IT Up
The MeriTalk Innovation Nation Forum will focus on the three bellwether topics in Federal IT today – cloud, cyber security, and data center consolidation. In addition, we’ve partnered with Oregon State University’s Open Source Lab to co-locate the Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON) this year, which will feature a full track on open source. FEATURING KEYNOTE DR. ALAN GREENSPAN, CHAIRMAN, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (1987-2...
August 23, 2011
MeriTalk Location:
Washington, DC
Dallas/Ft. Worth Digital Government Sum...
Dallas-Ft. Worth Digital Government Summit 2011 Hilton Arlington 2401 East Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76006 August 23, 2011 TOPICS WILL INCLUDE Digital Government Trends Leadership in Challenging Times Cloud Solutions New Technologies Innovation Cost Savings REGISTRATION Pre-registration for the forum is now closed. If you wish to attend, please visit our onsite registration desk at the Marriott.Government Registration - $0.00 Not open to priva...
Learn How the DAU Is Improving Collabor...
Is your agency looking to improve the way your people work together? Are you hoping to improve communications, reduce the time it takes to get answers and help people connect with colleagues that can help them be successful? If so, please join us for a free live event where you can hear from your peers how Socialtext can help, while enjoying delicious food and complimentary beverages.
August 23, 2011
Socialtext Location:
Washington, DC
CO Digital Government Summit 2011
Agenda Wednesday, June 15 8:00 amRegistration and Morning Refreshments 9:00 amOpening Remarks Doug Young, Chief Information Officer, State of Missouri 9:15 amOpening Keynote Open Roads Open Minds: An Exploration of Creative Problem Solving Steve Uzzell, Renowned Photographer Steve Uzzell is a veteran National Geographic photographer and one of the nation's leading corporate photographers. Steve's award-winning approach to his photographic w...
For more info or to register, please contact Vaune Marino at 410-535-3861 govconectx@hughes.net www.govconectx.net GSA, USAF, NAVY, HUD, HHS, NSA & More on board! The Department of Energy is pleased to announce that they are a Cosponsor at Showcase Expo and MatchMaker: August 19, 2011 Holiday Inn Capitol, 550 C Street SW Washington DC, 20024 As Cosponsor, the Department of Energy will provide the Keynote Speaker. The Department of Energy (...
August 19, 2011
GovConectx Location:
Washington, DC
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