87 past events found
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Infrastructure Finance Series: Innovati...
Affordability of water and sewer service continues to be a critical topic for utilities. This webinar will focus on customer service considerations relating to affordability, with the specific topics of trends in late payment policies, delinquent accounts, service disconnects, and subsidy programs. Focus will be on how the industry is addressing these issues from a customer service perspective. The webinar will serve as a platform to share inn...
June 7, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Integrating NASA Datasets into Utility...
This webinar will provide an overview of NASA’s remote sensing data sets and products and describe how the data sets can be used to support utility monitoring, modeling, and management efforts. An overview will also cover satellites, instruments, and products related to climate and hydrologic conditions; watershed/land use characteristics; and source water quality. Successful applications of remote sensing data for water resources manage...
May 24, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Community Engineering Corps: Using Volu...
Many communities across the United States have deficient infrastructure systems and struggle with regulatory compliance issues. The American Water Works Association, in alliance with the American Society of Civil Engineers and Engineers Without Borders USA, has developed a program to fulfill such communities’ need for help in addressing these concerns. This program, the Community Engineering Corps® (CECorps), assists underserved US c...
May 17, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Infrastructure Finance Series: Utility...
This webinar will offer guided discussion on current and trending private financing tools, vehicles, and opportunities that public water utilities can potentially use to help meet infrastructure and operational financing needs. In addition to available private financing options that public and private water utilities of all sizes are using, discussion will focus on how choices to use various private financing tools can affect a utility’s...
May 10, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Improving Customer Relations Through Ad...
Many utilities are investing in AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure), however, no standards or published guidelines are available regarding customer leak notification. Some water utility managers are also concerned about loss of revenue and irritating customers. This webinar focuses on notifying metered customers of potential leaks or high usage through data generated with AMI. The establishment of thresholds for minimum leak volume or calcu...
May 3, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Lessons in Chloramine Residual Management
Chloramination as a disinfection strategy in potable water systems provides benefits such as a lower potential for disinfection by-product formation and improved disinfectant longevity in distribution systems. The significant challenge, however, relates to the shifting chemical equilibrium among ammonia, chlorine, and chloramine species. Premature decay of chloramine compounds can release free ammonia into distribution systems and lead to nit...
April 26, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Infrastructure Finance Series: Federal...
The tools available to finance water infrastructure investment are growing and federal policy is affecting which tools are most cost-effective for utilities to use.
April 19, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Foundations in Water Loss: Resolving Ap...
According to the Water Research Foundation, apparent losses in American water utilities account for annual water loss of 58,774 MG and annual financial loss of $489M (on average). With water audits providing a top-down approach to estimate real and apparent losses, water utilities in Georgia and California are near to entering the next phase of apparent losses, which is identifying and resolving apparent losses as they occur. In this webinar,...
April 12, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Perfluorinated Compounds: Research ...
In this webinar, the regulatory background on how and why the USEPA’s Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) guideline was established is addressed. In addition, the research efforts concerning PFCs in our water systems is discussed. The treatment options for controlling PFCs in water are covered with particular focus on granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption. With the recent guideline developed well above the Unregulated Contaminant Monit...
April 5, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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Infrastructure Finance Series: Alternat...
Alternative project delivery (APD) encompasses a spectrum of different methods for procuring and managing infrastructure assets. The spectrum starts with design–build, where a single entity is responsible for both designing and constructing a project. At the other end of the spectrum are public–private–partnership (P3) concessions, where a private entity not only designs and builds, but provides financing and operations and...
March 29, 2017
Organizer: American Water Works Association
Location: Webcast
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