ProFeds FedImpact Retirement Training
FEDERAL EMPLOYEES: LEARN HOW TO BE THE HERO IN YOUR OWN RETIREMENT STORY & RETIRE WITH CONFIDENCE The ProFeds FedImpact Retirement Workshop gives federal employees a no-nonsense approach to evaluating the financial impact of benefits decisions made as they near retirement. Our goal is to help them avoid the red tape and to retire from federal service with confidence! IMPORTANT INFORMATION Attendance is free-of-charge Class size limited to...
January 9, 2024
ProFeds Location:
Miami, FL
Delivering Your Products/Services, Stay...
Delivering Your Products/Services, Staying In Compliance And Getting Paid In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager profession...
The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
While AI has been in use for decades, it has recently moved to the forefront of a national conversation. Two recent documents - the White House Executive Order on "Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence" and the Department of Defense "Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Adoption Strategy" highlight the growing importance that AI is playing in national security. In this webinar, the ATARC Insider Risk Working Group will...
January 9, 2024
ATARC Location:
Critical Incident Leadership and Decisi...
On-scene commanders make decisions in the high-threat law enforcement context of hostage rescue, armed barricaded suspects, and armed suicidal individuals that can result in successful or catastrophic outcomes. The OpTac International Critical Incident Leadership and Decision-Making Program is based on Dr. Stuart A. Meyers’ research published in the books, High-Threat Decisions: When It’s a Matter of Life and Death and SWAT Operati...
A Complimentary Webinar by Serving Thos...
Don't miss the opportunity to learn from one of the leading professionals on Federal Employee Benefits, Ed Zurndorfer, in a complimentary webinar for federal employees. This Session CoversAn Overview of How Federal Benefits are Taxed FERS Annuity CSRS Annuity TSP Withdrawals from both Traditional and Roth TSP accounts Survivor Benefits Ed reviews how the IRS treats each of these items for Federal Employees. Other Taxation Topics to Consider Th...
Start 2024 Prepared To Win Government C...
Start 2024 Prepared To Win Government ContractsREGISTER HERE If you own a business that you want to expand from the commercial market to the government market, then this training session is for you. The government is the largest customer in the world and you should be selling your product or service to your country. Find out how you can expand your business by working with Uncle Sam. When: Thursday,...
A Complimentary Webinar by Serving Thos...
Don't miss the opportunity to learn from one of the leading professionals on Federal Employee Benefits, Ed Zurndorfer, in a complimentary webinar for federal employees. This Session Covers An Overview of FERS & Different Types of Retirement Types of service used for determining eligibility to retire under FERS Employee and agency contributions to FERS Military service and temporary time The FERS annuity computation Minimum age and service...
Capability Statement, Brief, Website-Yo...
Capability Statement, Brief, Website-Your Brand In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE This week’s lab is set up to help you create an image that is attractive to government buyers. Feel free to submit any marketing materials you have for review. LAB TOPIC: What is Branding Why do you need government friendly marketing materials? What is different between branding in the government market com...
Multicloud Working Group Meeting
The Multicloud Working Group’s mission is to share broadened definitions, understanding and best practices around ‘Multicloud’ and ‘Multicloud Operating Model’ in today’s multicloud ecosystem. This enables public sector organizations to understand and contend with the Day 2 operational complexities of the multicloud operating model they will encounter as they adopt and scale application, data, user experienc...
December 22, 2023
ATARC Location:
Understand The Marketing Process In The...
Understand The Marketing Process In The Government Sector (Dream 100/Capture Plan) This week’s lab is set up to help you understand the marketing process in the government sector. REGISTER HERE Lab Topic: Review attendee Dream 100s Review attendee marketing emails Email marketing Strategies Who to contact What your not allowed to do Networking rules Networking events Phone strategies Associati...
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