Mobile Security: A Requirement for Nati...
Mobile devices are a way of life today – including for government agencies. They are ubiquitous, and many agencies have embraced a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy that allows employees to use their own. But they have become a rapidly growing target for bad actors – so much so that BYOD could mean “bring your own danger.” For example, in February, SC Magazine reported a phishing campaign targeting the Federal Communi...
March 27, 2024
FedInsider Location:
Win Government Contracts
WIN GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS REGISTRATION LINK March 20th: Come learn how to win government contracts with us. Join GovAssociation and GovGenie each week in our live-streaming coaching sessions where we address real-world scenarios about strategies and techniques to win more government contracts. If you want to build wealth in the government market, if you’re looking to get an edge on your competitor...
Proposal Writing And Requirement Matrix...
Proposal Writing And Requirement Matrix-To Make Your Proposal Stand Out In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE This week’s lab is set up to help you dive deeper into the proposal process. We’ll review some key proposal techniques and break down a winning proposal. This is part two of a two-part proposal lab series. LAB TOPIC: Go or no-go decision process Establishing your past performan...
ProFeds FedImpact Retirement Training
FEDERAL EMPLOYEES: LEARN HOW TO BE THE HERO IN YOUR OWN RETIREMENT STORY & RETIRE WITH CONFIDENCE The ProFeds FedImpact Retirement Workshop gives federal employees a no-nonsense approach to evaluating the financial impact of benefits decisions made as they near retirement. Our goal is to help them avoid the red tape and to retire from federal service with confidence! IMPORTANT INFORMATION Attendance is free-of-charge Class size limited to...
March 26, 2024
ProFeds Location:
Fairbanks, AK
ProFeds FedImpact Retirement Training
Registration is closed FEDERAL EMPLOYEES: LEARN HOW TO BE THE HERO IN YOUR OWN RETIREMENT STORY & RETIRE WITH CONFIDENCE The ProFeds FedImpact Retirement Workshop gives federal employees a no-nonsense approach to evaluating the financial impact of benefits decisions made as they near retirement. Our goal is to help them avoid the red tape and to retire from federal service with confidence! IMPORTANT INFORMATION Attendance is free-of-charg...
March 26, 2024
ProFeds Location:
Birmingham, AL
Understanding Your FEHB & Medicare Benefits
An Overview of Health Insurance for Federal Employees An overview of FEHB in retirement Premium costs Plan changes TriCare and other FEHB plans Healthcare Flexible Savings Account strategies, Medicare Understanding the Vision and Dental Plans Enrollment Premiums How it works with your FEHB, Annuity, TSP and other components of the Federal Retirement Benefit Package ... plus more!
Cloud Architecture Matters: Improve Clo...
As agencies increasingly migrate their workloads to the cloud, it is crucial to understand the implications and benefits of writing natively to the cloud, which enables organizations to optimize their data protection strategies, streamline operations, and enhance overall security. “Writing natively” is about building, deploying and managing software apps in the cloud computing environment. Taking this approach makes it possible to...
March 26, 2024
FedInsider Location:
Mitigating Risk with an Identity-First...
The number of cyber-attacks and the sophistication with which they are being executed is on the rise. Compromise to personal credentials has nearly doubled, and also accounts for well over half of reported incidents. Today’s IT leaders must mitigate these threats and ensure that both the mindset and technology toolset they implement keep their organizations – and their most critical assets – secure. That’s why many are...
March 26, 2024
Entrust Location:
Zero Trust: In Depth
Federal departments and agencies are making headway in meeting the requirements of Executive Order 14028, issued in May 2021, to strengthen their cybersecurity by implementing a zero trust architecture. To date, many agencies have made progress in areas like identity management and secure access. But the journey toward achieving a zero trust environment is different for every department. The challenges that civilian agencies must overcome are...
March 26, 2024
FedInsider Location:
What Government Agencies Do You Registe...
What Government Agencies Do You Register With And Where To Find Them In Government Contracting REGISTER HERE Come join us weekly as we train and prepare you to capture government contracts. These sessions are designed to prepare those enrolled in the Certified Capture Manager (CCM) Program to prepare their businesses for success and to prepare them to become certified capture manager professionals....
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