Federal Executive Breakfast featuring S...
Join Deltek and Simon Szykman, Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) , for a Federal Executive Breakfast brimming with insights on DOC FY 2014 technology infrastructure plans and initiatives Simon Szykman has served as DOC’s CIO since May 2010. He is responsible for providing leadership, establishing policy and overseeing the information technology investments that support a diverse portfolio of progra...
August 15, 2013
Deltek Location:
SolarWinds Federal Webcast: Update on V...
This free webinar for Federal Government users of SolarWinds software will showcase the latest features of SolarWinds Virtualization Manager (VMan) including new features that will be released in VMan 6.0 this quarter. This release brings integration between VMan and the popular SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor (NPM) and Orion Server & Application Monitor (SAM) products to a new level. The integration gives NPM and SAM users im...
August 15, 2013
SolarWinds Location:
Deltek Webinar: Five Social Business Te...
Most of us spend all day replying to emails. But ironically, all this email communication can get in the way of the important things. In reality, nobody knows whether people are following up on their actions. We rehash decisions because not everyone read the email. It’s inefficient and frustrating, but there’s a better way to get things done. Register for the free webinar on August 14 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and learn five social busines...
August 14, 2013
Deltek Location:
Herndon, VA
Top 5 Export Reform Action Items
Top 5 Export Reform Action Items Join us for a practical discussion of the Top 5 Export Reform Action Items for exporters. This free 30-minute webinar will not solve all of your reform problems but it will be packed full of thought provoking information that will force you to think about the critical challenges and understand some options for dealing with them. This webinar will also include a Q & A session for participants. Export control...
Data Mining: Failure to Launch
How to Get Data Mining Off the Ground and Into OrbitA Free One-Hour Live, Interactive Web EventProduced by The Modeling Agency“Guidance & Results for the Data-Rich, Yet Information-Poor”Presented by TMA Senior Consulting Staffhttp://www.the-modeling-agency.com/data-mining-webinarWHAT'S COVEREDThe vast majority of BI professionals are excited about the prospects of data mining and predictive analytics, but are fully mystified ab...
Government To Go - Best Practices for S...
Government To Go - Best Practices for Strategic Mobility: August 13th Mobility is flourishing — government agencies and departments are increasingly rolling out citizen-facing applications, projects to increase field worker productivity and mobile friendly websites. But creating a mobile strategy may seem especially daunting because so much about mobile is new and constantly changing. This session will discuss how mobile is being used in...
August 13, 2013
Deltek Webinar: Power of Analytics at Y...
Do you have the information you need, when you need it? Is a bottleneck of data keeping you from making the right decisions to move your business forward? Costpoint and Capture Analytics offer government contractors role-based dashboards to answer critical business questions and make smarter, information-based decisions in just a few clicks. Explore the key relationships in your data while also facilitating secure, real-time collaboration duri...
August 13, 2013
Deltek Location:
Herndon, VA
Deltek Webinar: Top Federal Regional Op...
More than 2,200 federal opportunities are likely to be released by year-end FY 2013, totaling approximately $48.8 billion in business ready to be won. Discover which opportunities to target as well as: Analysis of fourth quarter fiscal year 2013 federal opportunities by region and industry Competitive landscape review of top regions Detailed look at top regional opportunities to be released before the end of fiscal 2013.
August 13, 2013
Deltek Location:
Herndon, VA
Predictive Analytics & Data Mining: Mod...
LEARN WHAT MANAGERS & PRACTITIONERS REALLY NEEDTO KNOW ABOUT PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS & DATA MININGGet up to speed in data mining faster and more effectively than with any other training program available. Leverage highly valuable and impactful prospective insight from within your existing data through an intensive course series with over 20 years of innovation.If you want to learn what really works in predictive modeling and why you shoul...
GCN Tech Essentials- Virtualization and...
There is no doubt that virtualization gives agencies greater flexibility to meet current computing requirements while maximizing the value of investment in hardware assets. For this reason, most government organizations have implemented some form of virtualization — especially server virtualization — which has delivered notable savings in operations and maintenance budgets. Virtual environments, however efficient, are not without c...
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