2013 Excellence.gov Awards
The Excellence.Gov Awards program recognizes those federal, state and/or local programs -- and their managers -- who have achieved exceptional results in the management of IT to support the government's mission and service citizens. The judging panel represents government and industry leaders within the industry. Since its inception, the Excellence.Gov Awards have recognized over 150 exceptional federal programs using IT. Follow the conversati...
March 5, 2013
ACT-IAC Location:
Washington, DC
Advanced Cyber Threats: What's the Impa...
After his recent State of the Union address, President Obama issued an executive order to improve the security of the nation's critical infrastructure, underscoring the growing threat of cyberterrorism to national and economic security. What may be the true state of our critical infrastructure security, and what can this executive order mean for your enterprise? We'll discuss: The changing nature of the threats to America's critical infrastruc...
Seven Strategies for Growing after the...
Do you want to break into government contracting, or grow your current government contracting business? Market conditions are tough Competition is fierce Government budgets are shrinking Growing your contracting business in this environment will not be easy, but it can be done. In this on-demand webinar, government marketing veteran Mark Amtower provides seven proven strategies for growing your government contracting business. In this webinar,...
DCAA Audits - Steps To Success
Please join Jennifer Schaus & Associates for this webinar to understand the complex DCAA Audit process in government contracting. Our guest speaker, Jeff Padawer will review the steps to prepare you for success with your DCAA Audit. RECORDED Presentation: http://youtu.be/pgHnslDhX_c Full List of Webinars: http://JenniferSchaus5.eventbrite.com
Annual Review 2013: Hot Issues in Feder...
One of our most popular events, Annual Review provides everything you need to stay current in the ever-changing field of government contracts. Use this as a refresher on the developments in contracting over the past year and as an opportunity to network with others. Hear Jim Phillips and Barbara Kinosky’s predictions for 2013. Gain a solid understanding of recent events and changes in the contracting world—a great way to start the...
Webinar GSA Schedule Renewal 101
You spent a lot of time and devoted a number of resources to secure a GSA Schedules contract, and it is about to expire. As your renewal period approaches, there are a number of important issues to consider in order to properly position yourself for a successful renewal effort. Do you have a trusted partner to walk you through the Schedules renewal process? Join Washington Management Group for the free webinar to discuss important issues that...
February 28, 2013
Deltek Location:
Achieve Mission Performance In the Face...
In the face of significant budget reductions, agency leaders are taking immediate and drastic measures to meet budget targets but worry about maintaining their organizations mission performance goals. Leaders need the ability to make rapid, analytically-informed decisions, but typically lack integrated data, standard processes, internal objectivity, and defensible models to rapidly formulate resource requirements and optimize their use. WBB ha...
SAR & EO Training
USGIF's Commercial Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite and Earth Observation working groups cordially invite you to attend free unclassified workshops in cooperation with the NGA Commercial GEOINT Solutions Group (S5). The two-days of workshops introduce participants to the latest developments in commercial SAR and electro optical satellite imaging and applications. All state, local and federal employees interested in learning more about Synthe...
February 27-28, 2013
USGIF Location:
Washington, DC
Finding Opportunites Early
Course Description The key to being successful in the Federal marketplace is to find and influence opportunities before the competition. We all know and want to do this, but how? Where and how do you find opportunities? The available commercial services listing opportunity are not the answer, you find out about an opportunity along with everyone else. The data is out there on the internet. This seminar will help you find opportunities before y...
GovWin Capture Solutions Demo: Increase...
Are you pursing the right opportunities? Are you wasting valuable time chasing the wrong opportunities? Do you have the right strategy in place to gain the competitive edge and win more in 2013? Learn how to integrate your business development and capture management process by registering for a free demo of GovWin Capture Solutions. GovWin Capture Solutions enabled clients to increase win rates by over 20%, increase pipeline by 300%, and incre...
February 27, 2013
Deltek Location:
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