Human Capital Management Federal (HCMF)...
Human Capital Management Federal (HCMF) Recruitment & Lifecycle Talent Management is a two-day training conference on recruitment strategies, talent management and hiring reform across the Federal Government. Building on the success of the annual HCMF and Human Capital Defense (HCMD) training conferences which are industry leaders in educational content and networking for the Federal HR community, this event provides additional coverage of...
Military Logistics Summit 2012
IDGA’s 8th Annual Military Logistics Summit will bring together the sharpest minds in logistical warfighter support and stewardship excellence. You will gain invaluable knowledge in materiel support to bases and methods to ensure that operations are both efficient and safe when operating in hostile environments. This event will examine the varying levels of success logistical techniques have seen du...
June 25-27, 2012
IDGA Location:
Washington, DC
8th Annual Total Asset Visibility Summit
The 8th Annual Total Asset Visibility Summit is the premier event to unwrap the details of the latest developments and best practices of the supply/tracking" community. TAV Summit connects the various communities working with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Radio-Frequency Identification Technology (RFID), and Unique Identification (IUID) into a cohesive space. You will learn the high-priority initiatives and acquisition needs firsthand fr...
June 25-27, 2012
IDGA Location:
Washington, DC
GTRA Technology Council Meeting
Scholarships Available! If you would like to attend the GTRA Council Meeting but are facing travel / training budget restrictions, please contact us and ask about scholarships available for your agency! Register Now - Pay Later at $499 Discount Rate! At a time where budget challenges, new technologies, mandates, and security threats are forcing agencies to re-assess their IT strategies, the 2012 GTRA Technology Council Meeting will bring toget...
PortfolioStat and CPIC: Working togethe...
Overview of the Workshop: Government is facing new management challenges. Agencies are facing concurrent demands to reduce IT costs, shorten deployment cycles, and respond to increased scrutiny of capital investments by OMB and the Congress. The federal Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process must overcome these challenges to enable the successful delivery of new IT capabilities and services. The “new CPIC” must als...
Tips for Successful Proposals
Writing a proposal can be a daunting difficult task. Having a well written proposal is a critical step in effective business development. This webinar/teleconference will focus on what government evaluators want to see, structuring the response so they find it easily. It will also go over the top five reasons for failure, how to prepare for oral presentations, how to request a debriefing, what to expect and how to determine if a protest is a v...
June 21, 2012
TargetGov Location:
World Green Energy Sympoisum | WGES
The 2012 World Green Energy Symposium (WGES) will be held June 21, 2012 at the Washington Post Conference Center, Washington DC. WGES showcases new, alternative, sustainable and innovative products and serves as a platform of education & information exchange for government, business and nonprofit in a B2B, B2G, G2G setting. The World Green Energy Symposium serves as a platform of education & information exchange and as a world stage fo...
B2G Government Contractors Networking ...
You are INVITED to 3rd Thursdays @ The Kennedy Center! This is strictly a high level FED GOVT Contractors networking event, not a conference, trade show or seminar. It is a free event. We encourage conversation and exchange of business cards. Professional Dress is required. For more info, all of the FAQ's and to REGISTER, please visit:
Performance & Vulnerabilities of Modern...
China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran have shown substantial growth in their Integrated Air Defense (IAD) and Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) programs, posing a significant threat to the air superiority long enjoyed by the US and its allies. The Association of Old Crows (AOC) and the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC) come together at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama to present Performance...
U.S. Innovation Summit
FedScoop is proud to announce the inaugural U.S. Innovation Summit that will be held on June 20, 2012 in Washington D.C. This one-of-a-kind event will bring the most innovative thought leaders in government and industry together to discuss how to harness the power of innovation to change government. The discussion will center on innovation best practices within the government to help federal leaders create a more forward-thinking federal lands...
June 20, 2012
FedScoop Location:
Washington, DC
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