Deciphering Deemed Exports Webinar
It is a routine event -- one which happens thousands of times a day across the United States. A foreign national begins work at a US company as an engineer, researcher or scientist. The location could be a technology firm in Santa Clara, a defense contractor in St. Louis or an aerospace company in Tampa, but the question is the same -- is an export control violation imminent? And let's not limit ourselves to employees. The same question may be...
SPD Industry Social
MarCom Connections is hosting its monthly social network event at Clydes @ Chevy Chase. Join us for our Saint Patrick's Day Social where attendees of various industries come mingle in a casual atmosphere. There will be table topic cubes throughout the venue that is sure to inspire conversation. We will have invited guests from various industries and government agencies. Registration includes appetizers (served in the first hour of the event)....
Achieving Energy Efficient Data Centers...
Learn about energy and HVAC control strategies, with an emphasis on reliability and best practices reated to the new American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE) 9.9 Data Center Class Guidelines for controlling temperature and air volume in high-intensity data centers. The seminar includes project examples demonstrating cost-effective operations and payback periods that result from an in-depth engineering approach....
Internal Controls in Government: OMB Ci...
As federal agencies are implementing internal control programs in accordance with OMB Circular A-123 a new trend is emerging that focuses on assessing the risk associated with key internal controls to focus testing on processes that present the greatest risk. With limited resources federal agencies are focused on administering internal control programs that are efficient and effective, avoid duplication and minimize the burden on staff. This w...
Free Webinar: Records Management Reform...
A Brand New Webinar in the Feith Records Management Reform Series! Records Management Reform without Culture Shock:How To Reform Your RMA without Disrupting Your Users This Wednesday, February 29th: 2pm ET|11am PT Are you preparing to revamp your Agency's Records Management process as a result of the Presidential Memorandum for Managing Government Records - or simply tasked to improve it - but your users are worried about altering what they're...
Defense Maintenance & Sustainment Summit
At Defense Maintenance & Sustainment 2012 (February 27-29, 2012, Hilton Torrey Pines, La Jolla, CA) you will hear from the most cutting edge programs and you will learn from the personnel that are implementing these changes every day. This Ground-breaking Conference will help you: Examine Innovative Maintenance & Sustainment Support Planning Trends Define and Apply The Benefits Of A CBM Strategy For Sustainment Transition Engineering I...
Integrated IT Operations Management in...
Cloud computing has been getting a lot of ink - and a lot of hype. But can it really deliver better value, particularly for tasks like asset management and service management? And equally important, how do IT managers feel about using the cloud in this way? A recent IDG Research survey uncovered some surprising findings. In this live, interactive Webcast, you will learn the full results of the survey. Join award-winning technology editor Stan...
Integrated IT Operations Management in...
Cloud computing has been getting a lot of ink - and a lot of hype. But can it really deliver better value, particularly for tasks like asset management and service management? And equally important, how do IT managers feel about using the cloud in this way? A recent IDG Research survey uncovered some surprising findings. In this live, interactive Webcast, you will learn the full results of the survey.Join award-winning technology editor Stan G...
February 28, 2012
Winvale Location:
Washington, DC
AFCEA Bethesda Monthly Breakfast: FY13...
The budget has become more than just a battleground for agencies and IT shops, it’s become an issue of national debate. The result: a $1.2 trillion cut to federal spending over the next decade. With no agency or department off-limits, initiatives like data center consolidation, cloud computing and mobile government become even more important. But to be successful in this new environment, agencies will need to consider more than individua...
February 24, 2012
AFCEA Bethesda Location:
North Bethesda, MD
2nd Annual MobileGov Summit
FedScoop is proud to announce the 2nd Annual MobileGov Summit that will be held on February 23, 2012 at Hotel Monaco, located in Washington, D.C. MobileGov will bring government and industry IT leaders together to share current issues, trends and best practices on how to create the next generation of mobile government workforce. Included in this discussion will be in-depth dialogue on teleworking, remote computing security and how to get the m...
February 23, 2012
FedScoop Location:
Washington, DC
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