The ASBC's of Government Contracting: U...
For June 14th, The ASBC is pleased to welcome Ms. Kimberly Ball of the USAID Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization who will facilitate a discussion about current FY11 opportunities, what USAID's fiscal year end will bring given the late budget and the future of small business participation at USAID. Don't miss it! The ASBC's of Government Contracting™ provides practical and up-to-date information on running a business an...
Federal Facility Energy Management
In 2009, President Obama signed several executive orders tasking the government to reduce energy consumption and fossil fuel useage. As the nations single largest user of energy, the government is trying to lead by example. However, a large percentage of the energy used by the government is in the 500,000 buildings that they own. In FY2008, the government spent more than $7 billion of their $24.5 billion energy bill on facilities alone. This m...
June 8-10, 2011
marcus evans Location:
Alexandria, VA
Philadelphia All-Hazards/All-Stakeholde...
Philadelphia's risk for natural and man-made disasters, combined with its densely-populated urban area, makes it critical for all stakeholders to collaborate and share information. Its Tier 1 UASI status heightens the need for expanded response capabilities to manage crises that pose the greatest risk to the region, its critical infrastructure and key resources. Join your peers across all areas of homeland security and emergency preparedness t...
Breached: A Cyber Attack in America
In its FY2010 Report to Congress on the Implementation of The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget noted the number of Federal cyber incidents had increased approximately 39% from FY2009, while total incidents nationally decreased. More that 41,000 of the 107,000 malicious attacks reported by the US-CERT in FY2010 were specific to Federal agency operations. It is undeniable that the thre...
Fundamentals Of Cloud Computing: Webcas...
Cloud Computing is a major initiative across all government agencies from federal to state and local. However, there are still a lot of questions as to what solutions actually make up the cloud and how they fit into agency environments. How do you determine what products you need? How do the layers of the cloud fit together? This webcast series will provide general knowledge of exactly what cloud computing is along with individual focus on Iaa...
Export Control Reform Initiative Webinar
Stay Informed...On the Reform It’s essential for export compliance professionals to stay up to date with the continuously changing US export regulations. When the president released the Export Controls Reform Initiative last year the industry took notice. So far some regulations have changed and the Administration has publishes several proposed changes to the regulations that no doubt will enter into force before you know it. The Adminis...
Prepare Your Network for IPv6 with Expe...
Two Ways to Participate: Watch the Live Broadcast Online Watch the event online as Cricket presents from Washington D.C. A lucky online viewer from each broadcast will be selected to win an iPad 2®! Join us online or in-person on June 7 as world IPv6 expert Cricket Liu, author of several books on DNS and IPv6, presents a variety of IPv6 topics, including: IPv6 basics Setting up forward- and reverse-mapping with AAAA and PTR records Running...
US Census Bureau IT Security Conference...
This annual event, hosted by the Information Technology Security Office, is intended to raise computer security awareness for Census employees and contractors. The Census Bureau's IT Security Conference and Expo will be held onsite at Census HQ and feature various speakers from the U.S. Census Bureau as well as other government agencies and industry. In the past, speakers have included the Chief of IT Security for Census, Associate Director fo...
Leadership Capability
As the economy begins to slowly recover it essential to look ahead to the different kinds of leadership that will be required for organizations, whether they are public or private, to meet their objectives. The new economic reality requires executives to do more with less which means bench strength and the development of high potential employees has never been more critical to success. It is essential that organizations understand the quality...
2011 GovStar Awards
2011 GOVSTAR AWARDS BY SMARTCEO MAGAZINE NOMINATE YOUR COMPANY OR A GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR YOU KNOW FOR THIS AWARD BY JUNE 3, 2011 CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE NOMINATION FORM SmartCEO and Sheppard Mullin have partnered to create the GovStar program honoring local government contracting firms for their technology innovation, workplace environment, growth, veteran support and contributions to the industry and marketplace. For the second year, Smart...
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