2009 National SBIR/STTR Conference
Highlighting renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, the 2009 National SBIR/STTR Conference will bring together federal program administrators from all of the SBIR-participating federal agencies as well as venture capital and angel investors, large companies, secondary market and traditional lenders, researchers, university and federal laboratory representatives and other experts who provide assistance to or are interested in doing...
International Association of Emergency...
The IAEM Annual Conference provides a forum for current trends and topics, information about the latest tools and technology in emergency management and homeland security, and advances IAEM committee work. Sessions encourage stakeholders at all levels of government, the private sector, public health and related professions to exchange ideas on collaborating to protect lives and property from disaster.
October 31 - November 5, 2009
IAEM Location:
Orlando, FL
USDA/NITC Technology Expo
A very important USDA regional office, this show is hosted by NITC – National Information Technology Center and is held once each year to keep all key IT personnel updated on the latest products and services available. All agencies within the USDA in KC are promoted to and attend such as Risk Management, Farm Services and more. The expo is also promoted through the KC Federal Executive Board targeting personnel from from GSA, Commerce, DoT, FA...
November 4, 2009
FDAE Location:
Kansas City, MO
DTIC Combatant Commanders Workshop
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) will be hosting the 2009 Combatant Commanders Workshop. Themed, "Real-Time S&T Support for Real-World Issues," the Workshop will highlight DTIC's ability to support the Combatant Commands by providing scientific data, technical research, and engineering information through DTIC resources such as DTIC Online, DoDTechipedia and Information Analysis Centers (IACs). The workshop will include guest sp...
November 3-4, 2009
FBC Location:
Tampa Bay, FL
Tri-Service Key Management Workshop
This workshop will provide important information about Communications Security (COMSEC), the Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) and the future Key Management Infrastructure (KMI) for members of the worldwide DoD COMSEC/EKMS community. Many EKMS Program Teams support NSA, all DoD Tri-Services with EKMS Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 products, Key Management Plans, documentation, training, technical support, and sustainment. Presenters from the...
November 3-4, 2009
FBC Location:
San Antonio, TX
Ohio Digital Government Summit
This event is for and about state and local government. The purpose of the event is to foster discussion and dialogue on the use of information technology as a strategic tool for managers, executives and policy makers. Topics will include: Digital Government Trends, Managing in Challenging Times, New Technologies, Innovation, Web 2.0, Security
AFCEA TechNet International
Security is a pervasive factor in our lives whether it is associated with CCTV cameras on the High Street, airport screening, home or office computer use, chip-and-pin cards, biometric applications, medical records, banking services. It is therefore timely to review the borders of international, national and personal security.
October 29-30, 2009
AFCEA Location:
Brussels, BE
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