August Outreach: Matchmaker and Seminar
Last Chance: August Seminar and MatchMaker One Day Government Intensive Event * Falls Church VA "$250 billion - almost half the annual contracts budget - is waiting to be spent." Tom Johnson - SetAside Alert, Monday, July 1, 2013. Get In On This September's Spending Tsunami. Meet With: The Department of Energy * National Security Agency * Computer Sciences Corporation * Smithsonian * Small Business Administration * Health and Human Services *...
August 14, 2013
GovConectx Location:
Falls Church, VA
Cyber Security for Government
As the Obama administration and other key figures in the government continue to stress the critical nature of cyber security and the dangers/implications of cyber attacks, the nation has been given the mandate to update all systems in regards to cyber security. With the range and breadth of cyber threats on the rise, there are countless initiatives and programs currently in play. For this reason, IDGA’s Cyber Security for Government Summ...
August 12-14, 2013
IDGA Location:
Washington, DC Metro Area, DC
Government To Go - Best Practices for S...
Government To Go - Best Practices for Strategic Mobility: August 13th Mobility is flourishing — government agencies and departments are increasingly rolling out citizen-facing applications, projects to increase field worker productivity and mobile friendly websites. But creating a mobile strategy may seem especially daunting because so much about mobile is new and constantly changing. This session will discuss how mobile is being used in...
August 13, 2013
The 2013 Colorado Health Symposium: "He...
The 2013 Colorado Health Symposium: "Health Forward: Harnessing the Energy of Change"Aug. 7-9, 2013Keystone Resort & Conference CenterOne of the leading national health policy conferences in the country, the Colorado Health Symposium is a unique chance to interact with many of the leading experts in health and health care. The Symposium is SOLD OUT, but you can still join us online! Register to attend online via our live stream. View the a...
AFCEA Bethesda's Mobility Technology Sy...
Join AFCEA Bethesda on August 8, 2013 for the Mobility Technology Symposium, a half-day education and training event, which will go beyond the business case for mobility and look at how agencies are developing and implementing emerging mobile technology to deliver the mission. The demand for mobility is all around us. With lowered budgets and new technologies, the need to do more with less comes at an opportune time. The trends we see today wi...
2013 Warheads & Ballistics Classified S...
A jointly sponsored symposium combines the Ballistic Division’s Sixteenth Classified Ballistics Symposium with the Bomb & Warhead Division’s 62nd Annual Bomb & Warhead Technical Symposium. The symposium will be held August 5-8, 2013 at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. The meeting provides a forum for classified, export-controlled, and limited distribution papers in the areas of ballistics, weapons effectivenes...
What You Need to Know About Public Reco...
Delve into the ins and outs of public records and open meetings laws. Find out what Ohio law has to say about balancing the public's right to information with the individual's right to privacy. If you're involved with a public entity or if you represent the media, you need to know the ins and outs of federal and state public records and open meetings laws. Join us for this seminar and you will get updates on recent developments in the interpre...
The Intersection of Cloud, Mobility, an...
Gartner Research recently called the convergence of cloud and mobile a security “train wreck.” Disruptive technologies like cloud and mobile are moving government data and processes outside the agency’s perimeter and into the CIO’s control. Increasing public sector interest in public and hybrid cloud models, combined with a shift towards service-oriented procurement solutions are forcing organizations to re-think their...
August 7, 2013
FedInsider Location:
McLean, VA
6th Annual Hazus Symposium
The Central Hazus User Group (CHUG) will host the 2013 Hazus Symposium in Indianapolis, IN from August 5th - 7th. This event occurs only once per year and registration is free! Hazus-MH (Multi-Hazard) combines science, engineering, and mathematical modeling with GIS technology to estimate losses of life and property—and shows those losses on a map. The Hazus Symposium is an important opportunity for any current or aspiring GIS and natur...
SINET Innovation Summit 2013
SINET Innovation Summit 2013 Industry - Government - Academia August 6, 2013 | Columbia University, New York, New York Supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Science and Technology The purpose of the Innovation Summit is to reinvigorate public private partnership efforts and increase relationships between industry, government and academia that fosters sharing of information and collaboration on mutual Cybersecurity re...
August 6, 2013
SINET Location:
New York, NY
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