1st Global Conference on Social Network...
Conference Deadlines Schedule: Abstract Submission Deadline: March 31, 2011 Final Submission of Booking Form: April 6, 2011 10 pg. Draft Submission Deadline: July 30, 2011 Conference: September 7,8,9, 2011 Abstract Submission Deadline: March 31, 2011 Conference Details: Conference is to be held September 7-9, 2011 - Conference will take place in St. Louis, MO - Washington University's Charles F. Knight Center This is the official call for pape...
Going Digital: Using E-Forms and Online...
Join Adobe in Miami on Thursday, September 8th, to learn how Adobe can help your agency transform everyday citizen and employee interactions, while leveraging your existing IT infrastructure. Discover how your agency can benefit from enterprise applications that blend electronic forms, process management, document security, document generation, and web content management to modernize your day to day activities. Our solutions have been used to...
Submarine Operations & Requirements Asia
Submarines Operations & Requirements Asia - Event Rationale: While the team at Defence IQ conducted its intense research on its Submarines Operations & Requirements Asia conference, in our conversation with Commander Satyabrata Dam, Retired Submarine Commander, Indian Navy it was revealed why submarines are the most dangerous war platforms in the world – operationally: Fortunately, Cdr. Dam, his four colleagues and the submarine...
September 7-8, 2011
Defence IQ Location:
ComDef 2011
Force drawdowns in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Arab Spring and continuing economic uncertainty present huge challenges for the incoming US Secretary of Defense. The increasing ability through cyberspace of non State actors to threaten the established order will also be addressed. What are the capabilities needed and how can these be afforded? How do we speed research and development to fielding equipment? What can we learn from our friends and a...
September 7, 2011
IDEEA, Inc. Location:
Washington, DC
North Carolina Digital Government Summit 2011
Hilton North Raleigh Midtown 3415 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27609 August 31 − September 1, 2011 North Carolina is facing one of its most difficult budget situations since the 1930s, and comfortable solutions are in short supply. It is clear that IT will be depended upon to find creative ways to increase government efficiencies and reduce costs, but to what extent? What are the expectations? How will investments be prioritized within t...
FAA Air Transportation Information Exch...
Purpose The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum to discuss and exchange concepts and practices related to major global changes in aeronautical information (including exchange structures), information services, and other information sharing related topics to the rapidly growing AIM community. Informational and technical presentations from key participants will provide opportunities for NextGen and SESAR developers and air transpor...
The Military Open Source community (Mil-OSS) is happy to host it's Third Annual Working Group (WG3) in Atlanta, Aug 30-Sep1. For more information, visit mil-oss.org/wg3.
Air Force Information Technology Confer...
Welcome to the Air Force Information Technology Conference (AFITC) Please join us in Montgomery, Alabama for the 29th annual Air Force Information Technology Conference. The goal of every year's AFITC is to learn how to best apply the latest, cutting-edge technology to keep the AF the most advanced fighting force in the world. The conference boasts top industry and military speakers, focused seminar sessions, a small business arena and a caree...
August 29-31, 2011
US Air Force Location:
Montgomery, AL
Public Contract Code Requirements and C...
Benefits Discover how to navigate the minefields of public contracting and procurement code with ease. Do you want to know how to minimize the looming pitfalls inherent in public contracting? Now you can - attend this seminar and enhance your knowledge of the complex and always changing system of laws and regulations involved in public contracting and procurement. You'll find out not only how to effectively coordinate the public procurement pr...
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