Understanding New Jersey Public Contrac...
This topic is designed to provide an overview of the requirements for vendors and contractors to bid on state and municipal jobs; how bids are evaluated; how to protest if your bid is rejected; and what contract terms will be included in a construction contract with a public owner. The latest developments in statutes and case law will be covered so that the practitioner will be up to speed to make strategic decisions and avoid minefields in pu...
GASB 34: Financial Reporting Requiremen...
Gain new insights with a comprehensive overview of government financial reporting from beginning to end. Recent financial difficulties of state and local government finances, highlighted by some noteworthy bankruptcy filings, have prompted increased attention on governmental financial statements. The financial statements of these governments and governmental entities can be very confusing, even for the experienced accountant. This live webinar...
Roundabouts: Planning, Design and Poten...
Learn and understand the principles of safety behind the modern roundabout as well as specific design practices with simple and complex issues. Although roundabouts have proven safety and operational benefits, proper planning and engineering design is essential for roundabouts to function correctly. This live webinar is your opportunity to better understand modern roundabouts and their installation, learn specific design skills and current pra...
EnergyTech 2015
CYBER_ATTACKS? CLIMATE RISK? GMD? EMP? ARE WE PREPARED? Our civilization vitally depends on the continuous and assured availability of critical resources such as clean, safe, sustainable, and affordable electrical power, clean water, secure food, transportation, and related services. Major dynamic global changes present new opportunities, but also threats that confront not only the energy sector but critical infrastructure, with the potential...
F5 Air Force TechTalk SSL Break and Inspect
Join F5 Networks and Carahsoft to earn one (ISC)2 CPE credit and discuss how to create an SSL/TLS strategy for Application Cybersecurity protection in the Datacenter. Learn which SSL/TLS standards are necessary to meet the new DoD requirements and how to increase application performance, security, and reliability with an SSL/TLS design. During this Cybersecurity TechTalk, you will: Learn about building SSL/TLS designs to mitigate web-based App...
Off-Center: Records Management in a Dec...
🏫 🎓 📚 RECORDS MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY Presents 📚 🎓 🏫 FREE WEBINAR: Off-Center: Records Management in a Decentralized Organization Tuesday November 24, 2pm ET / 11am PTFREE and Pre-Approved for 1 CRM Credit Hour This session is part of the Fall semester of Records Management University. Registering will sign you up for all classes, but you are free to attend just one, some, or all sessions.If you mi...
New USEPA Definition of Waters of the U...
Learn about the Categories of Waters, Exclusions, Definitions and Terms Under the Waters of the United States Rule. The land use development process requires the identification of Federal jurisdictional waters and wetlands on a project site or along a project corridor. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recently published a new and revised definition of "Waters of the United States" found at 40 CFR Part 230 on June 29, 2015, effe...
Storm Water Best Management Practices I...
Make sure you are up to speed on the regulatory requirements of your storm water maintenance program. Thousands of storm water BMPs have been built and most NPDES MS4 permits require that they be maintained. In addition, storm water BMPs protect lives and our water resources by controlling runoff, reducing flood risk and pollution, and protecting streams from pollution. Therefore, these valuable facilities need to be maintained so that they co...
SANS Pen Test Hackfest Summit & Training
SANS Pen Test Hackfest Training Event and Summit is coming back to Washington DC, bigger and better than ever! The Hackfest is an ideal way to learn offensive techniques so you can better defend your environment. Whether you are a penetration tester, a forensics specialist, or defender, the techniques covered at the Hackfest represent the latest and most powerful attacks every organization needs to thwart.Featuring top-rated, industry-leading...
November 16-23, 2015
SANS Institute Location:
Alexandria, VA
NPDES Stormwater Permitting and Stormwa...
Learn best practices and tips and tricks for NPDES permitting and SWPPP guidance. Nationwide, storm water is a leading source of water pollution. Contaminated storm water runoff harms drinking water supplies, hinders swimming and fishing, and negatively impacts ecosystems. Cities, states and the EPA are placing an increased emphasis on managing storm water discharges from industrial facilities, construction sites and municipalities to reduce p...
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