GSA Contractor Assessments - What’s Goo...
Does a good report from a contractor assessment on your GSA Schedule contract mean you are fully compliant with your Schedule obligations? The short answer is “no.” It is important for Schedule contractors to understand what a contractor assessment is and is not intended to cover, and how that differs from an Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit. Armed with this knowledge, contractors will learn how to conduct their own int...
Washington, DC ITAR Defense Trade Contr...
This seminar series provides both novice and experienced export compliance professionals with an in-depth education on export control regulations administered by the US Departments of State, Commerce & Treasury. Export Control Reform changes can be a real benefit to your company's business once you understand how to adapt and maximize the benefit of list shifts from USML to CCL and how to apply the new definition of "Specially Designed" in...
Washington, DC EAR/OFAC Export Controls...
SEMINAR SERIES in Washington DC JUNE 2016 ECTI INSTRUCTORS John Black Greg Creeser Steve Wagner Jonathan Poling EAR Export Controls / ITAR Defense Trade Controls Seminar Series at the Embassy Suites Alexandria Old Town 1900 Diagonal Road Alexandria, VA 22314 USA REGISTER NOW EAR & OFAC Controls SEMINAR SEMINAR AGENDA ECoP® EAR renewal credits = 4 JUN 6-7, 2016 USD $1175 ITAR Controls SEMINAR SEMINAR AGENDA ECoP® ITAR renewal credit...
Federal Thought Leaders Roundtable
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) will present a new First Thursday Seminar, Federal Thought Leaders Roundtable,from 1:30 to 3:00 pm EST on June 2, 2016. FEMP Director Timothy Unruh will facilitate a round table discussion on cutting edge topics among senior agency officials. Federal energy and environmental leaders will share insights and discuss sustainability goals, policies, and initiatives. Panel...
Entry Control Facilities (ECF) Design
Similar to the Maintaining Control Workshop conducted by the US Army Surface Deployment and Distribution Traffic Engineering Agency, this workshop is intended for government, military and contractor SECURITY or ENGINEERING personnel involved in designing entry control facilities. The curriculum focuses on the design features required for the effective and efficient operation of access control points at installation perimeters and controlled ar...
MilSatCom Asia-Pacific
SMi Group's are delighted to announce the 6th annual MilSatCom Asia-Pacific, which convenes in Singapore on 26th-27th May 2016. This year's conference will provide national updates on space and MilSatCom programmes and how the development of these programmes is satisfying current critical regional requirements. Our unrivalled speaker lineup will provide critical SatCom programme updates from across Asia-Pacific as well as the strategic role of...
Clinical Research for Cardiovascular Ph...
Understanding basic clinical research requires excellent people and project management skills, and very good scientific writing and organization skills. Also paramount is gathering necessary information to manage the statistical analysis and data management of all the many clinical studies. The clinical development plans must be laid by experienced leaders and project managers. The clinical plan includes the budgets and timeline necessary to p...
The Integration of Human Factors into D...
Human Factors/Usability testing is now a requirement. Human Factors/Usability testing is good business and can be easily integrated into product design/development. Human Factors is at the essence of the UseFMEA and hence instrumental in being able to reduce the probability of risk, and even the severity of risk. The key to integrating Human Factors is to understand the activities involved throughout the product development cycle and the corre...
Cyber Security Conference & Expo
Data security threats continue to increase in number and sophistication. The growing use of collaborative technologies – from mobile devices and social media to virtualization and cloud computing – will continue to be one of the most significant factors impacting the security landscape. For these reasons, the federal government has increased efforts to minimize and prevent cyber security attacks, and will continue to place signific...
The Real Reason Price Matters
An integral part of the proposal process is the cost/price volume, yet this is often the last volume to be completed. This webinar will review the government versus business definitions of cost and price, why cost/price really matters, how and why each section of the uniform contract format impacts cost/price and the implications on your business, common cost/price volume mistakes, and considerations in achieving a compliant submission. Learn...
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